Data Realms Fan Forums

Papers, Please
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Author:  Miggles [ Sun Aug 11, 2013 12:54 am ]
Post subject:  Papers, Please



Papers, Please is a game based on the idea that you are an immigration officer. You work at the border town of Grestin, which has recently been rightfully reclaimed by GLORIOUS ARSTOTZKA after a 6 year war with the neighbor nation, Kolechia.
With a new open borders policy, Arstotzka is being flooded by people attempting to immigrate, and it is your job to ensure this process happens correctly. You will find discrepencies in things people say or in their documents, carefully and quickly leafing through their papers to ensure they should be allowed passage.
The game features ever changing rules, causing each day to be different. At first, only Arstotzkan natives are allowed back in. But gradually, new rules are added and removed to allow more or fewer foreigners in, in response to events happening within the world.
Tensions between Kolechia and Arstotzka are still high, and this fact influences a number of events in the story. There are certain events that happen that require a judgement call on your part, and you may be rewarded for making the right choice.
You can get it now on Steam, GoG, or you can play a demo here.

Author:  Foa [ Sun Aug 11, 2013 7:57 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Papers, Please

It features 20 Endings.

Author:  Sothe [ Wed Aug 14, 2013 12:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Papers, Please

I got ending 1. Jailtime for not paying bills on time.
I'll go for all the other endings later.

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