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 The War Z 
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Post The War Z
You've heard of DayZ, I imagine, the MMOFPS based around surviving in a zombie infested world and scavenging supplies and avoiding other players who may or may not kill you for your precious can of beans?

Anyways this is a stand alone, truly dedicated zombie survival game. Not a mod.

Spoiler for Xbox Hueg image.

The War Z (Or just War Z) will be very familiar to DayZ players. You scavenge the world for food, water, and weapons to maintain your good health in a hostile world. Zombies are troublesome, but your fellow survivors pose the greatest threat. You cannot trust anyone, and should expect no trust in return. Upon death your entire current inventory is dropped and lootable by anyone in the immediate area. This game is VERY unforgiving and you should expect to die often, but it is those lives you spend playing wisely and perhaps with a touch of luck, where you will gain a respectable set of equipment and full backpack of rations where you will really feel like you've earned it.

The game is currently in beta. Buying the game ensures you instant beta access and the game and all future updates thereafter. Also it's sold at a discount. You've probably bought CC, you know how it works.

The game is currently in a playable state and is very very fun, if incredibly unforgiving, despite the glitches and lack of tertiary features. As it stands, you have a wide set of weapons to find, food to eat, beverages to rehydrate with, undead to fight, a large map to explore, and full PVP functionality. Planned in future releases are vehicles, full NPC settlements, a fleshed out reputation system (where killing innocent players will earn you a bad reputation, eventually leading to many NPC settlements barring you access, or even shooting on sight) and much more.

But you probably want the web site or some gameplay footage.

Sun Nov 25, 2012 5:14 am
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Post Re: The War Z
I don't like this game, if I recall correctly they claimed to have been working on it for almost a year, but it turned out that most of the models and the main menu are taken straight from their previous game, War Inc. If they have been working on it for a year, they would have come far longer than what they have, which indicates that they are lying.

Sun Nov 25, 2012 11:43 am
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Post Re: The War Z
It's a shitty F2P shooter adapted for a bigger map and some ai thrown in. Bought it, played it, was dissapointed, never touched it again. It doesn't have any sort of progression, no way of rewarding players for staying alive or doing well, and therefore everyone plays it like the shooter it is. There's no reason NOT to flashlight maul everyone, so why risk it?

Sun Nov 25, 2012 12:09 pm
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Post Re: The War Z
There will be character progression later in the form of skills, a reputation system I touched on earlier (to deter you from simply attacking every other player you find or risk hostility at safe zones and a huge damper on getting supplies or banking rare items), and the rewards for staying alive are pretty much self explanatory. Right now a friend and I will go on farming runs to collect gear from nearby towns and cities and try to bring it back to the safe zone and bank it in the global inventory and we've been having a blast doing just that. That there will be more to the game soon enough is only further enticement for me to play.

Sun Nov 25, 2012 2:42 pm
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Post Re: The War Z
I'm working on the principle that it might well get better later on in its development, but they're unlikely to raise the price of it.

Sun Nov 25, 2012 3:26 pm
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Post Re: The War Z
Dauss wrote:
There will be character progression later in the form of skills, a reputation system I touched on earlier (to deter you from simply attacking every other player you find or risk hostility at safe zones and a huge damper on getting supplies or banking rare items), and the rewards for staying alive are pretty much self explanatory. Right now a friend and I will go on farming runs to collect gear from nearby towns and cities and try to bring it back to the safe zone and bank it in the global inventory and we've been having a blast doing just that. That there will be more to the game soon enough is only further enticement for me to play.

Maybe it's because I have two full inv pages of guns and ammo so I don't feel terribly pressured to keep them safe. I unno. The progression system had better be more than just variable tweaks to bring me back in. I guess to each their own, it didn't really impress me.

Mon Nov 26, 2012 4:12 am
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Post Re: The War Z
Finally a game with zombies in it!

Mon Nov 26, 2012 8:46 pm
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Post Re: The War Z
Nah man, Trains Vs. Zombies 2 beat this one to it.

Mon Nov 26, 2012 9:04 pm
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Post Re: The War Z
Man I've been really searching for a polished triple-A zombie survival game that isn't just another point and shoot with a zombie theme... I really hope this game develops into some of what the OP here suggests.

Tue Nov 27, 2012 4:41 am
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Post Re: The War Z
Whoa. ... about-warz

Wed Nov 28, 2012 12:44 pm
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Post Re: The War Z
Sounds like grounds for a lawsuit to me.

Wed Nov 28, 2012 12:53 pm
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Post Re: The War Z
What are you talking about? The War Z sounds like a wonderful buy to me, especially after this news.

Wed Nov 28, 2012 4:57 pm
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Post Re: The War Z
Yeah, just make sure to not play it too long or too often, you might get banned.

Wed Nov 28, 2012 5:16 pm
Data Realms Elite
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Post Re: The War Z
The website is throwing errors at me.

Wed Nov 28, 2012 9:37 pm
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Post Re: The War Z
Same, seems to be down. Here is the post:

Wed Nov 28, 2012 9:45 pm
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