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 Crestfallen: Forsaken Fate (aka: Something I'm working on) 
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Post Crestfallen: Forsaken Fate (aka: Something I'm working on)

Welcome! Have a seat and we'll get started, comfortable? Good, now let me begin...
The basic plot, 4 friends live in the capital city of the worlds super power, one gets framed for high treason (Obviously so their country can declare war on a neighboring country) and sent to the heads-mans block. However, they manage to break her out and flee into the ancient subterranean city beneath the capital. After awakening an appropriately ancient horror, they set out on a quest to stop it, all the while the war is happening and ♥♥♥♥ happens blah blah blah~

Game stuff!
I'm aiming to create a classic style RPG, with a modern feel. Content wise I'm trying to go for around 6-8 hours of game play and will probably have player choices to an extent. The world is set in my RTD:Classic Fantasy, you will be able to gain more characters, uuuh, what else?... oh, combat. Not entirely sure how that's going to work, I know I'll be using a side-on view for the battle scenes, but I'm unsure whether it will be strictly turn based or might try to use a FF7 style 'attack as soon as your cool downs finished'.

Now to the important stuff that I wanted to say,
Firstly, this project does have a release date (1 year from now, give or take a month) and it WILL be finished by then (Not finishing it would result in me failing Multimedia in my HSC, something that I refuse to let happen).
Secondly, I need help. Wait! Don't leave! Let me explain. Sprites I need sprites, that's all, while I could use the default sprites (RPG Maker VX ACE) I really want the extra 'wow' factor, and I need one of your amazing work to do it.

Assuming you haven't closed the window by now, here's what your 'employment' would entail.
I only want one spriter, and one artist, for consistency and my wallets sake.
$50 to a pay pal or steam account: To each artist, AFTER the completion of the project mind you (you have my word!).
20% of all of the games profits: Again to each artist, after I get the website set up (aiming for around November-December) we might get some donations, I might also start a kick-starter, because thats all the rage nowadays.
Name in credits (obviously): Along with story input and a minor character somewhere or other.
If anyone wants to contribute... well anything other than sprites, you will be appropriately rewarded with getting to name minor characters, ect.

I'll get around to making this look neater eventually...

Last edited by Fail Flail on Mon Jun 18, 2012 7:20 am, edited 1 time in total.

Sun Jun 17, 2012 11:01 pm
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Post Re: Crestfallen: Forsaken Fate (aka: Something I'm working on)
What type of game might this be? Strategy? Adventure? Besides that, I will help in any way I can, for free if it pleases you.

Sun Jun 17, 2012 11:16 pm
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Post Re: Crestfallen: Forsaken Fate (aka: Something I'm working on)
I could help with plot stuff, unless you already have all that taken care of, which you probably have. I have a bunch of free time that I'm willing to spend doing stuff.

Mon Jun 18, 2012 12:46 am
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Post Re: Crestfallen: Forsaken Fate (aka: Something I'm working on)
Mistake #1: Forgot to describe game T_T

A classic style RPG with modern-ness, and the basic story I've written up so far is, while not down right evil, pretty gritty.
When I get around to writing a full draft of the script I'll post it somewhere for you guys to look at, however exams are on the horizon, and I'm afraid I won't be able to start it until a few weeks from now.

Mon Jun 18, 2012 7:31 am
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Post Re: Crestfallen: Forsaken Fate (aka: Something I'm working on)
Depending on what the artist or spriter is required to do I may be able to accompany you on this mission.

If anything else, even if I don't end up being hired, I'd still like to contribute because this sounds interesting.

Mon Jun 18, 2012 7:45 am
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Post Re: Crestfallen: Forsaken Fate (aka: Something I'm working on)
Just going to bump this, is anyone seriously interested? If you want to apply, just pm me with either some artwork or a sprite sheet for RPGmaker.

Mon Jul 02, 2012 7:40 am
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Post Re: Crestfallen: Forsaken Fate (aka: Something I'm working on)
No offence mate but this is for your high school project (? HSC), you've not shown you're capable, it's an RPG Maker game and you want people to help based on profits... Random people probably aren't going to be springing up to seriously help you (unless they're trying to get some shoddy work done for that immediate $50 you promised). Also I personally doubt you'll sell a worthwhile amount of copies, if any. I'm guessing everybody else here thinks pretty much the same. There may well be people coming to you wanting to work on it for fun/the experience but don't expect them to be seriously dedicated, when they're busy they're going to drop out for a while. You're going to have to take that into account. Also I thought a lot of the FF-like game systems are already built into RPG Maker, I know a lot of them are easily available online...

There are a number of thing you can do to increase interest; show previous experience, show current progress and show more of what you plan to make (plot/story, mechanics, design,gameplay pacing). But most importantly since you're working to a deadline you need to have and show a schedule. You can't just say 'yeah I can get this done in a year', you need to show (and actually know yourself) exactly what needs to be done and roughly how long it will take. Otherwise you'll just focus on individual parts and get carried away and end up with 70% of the game left just a few weeks before it needs to be finished.

And you do realize that pretty much all the gameplay features will be available within the first 5 or so minutes, then it's just hours of content (i.e. mostly artwork/sprites). Take final fantasy for example there's a cutscene system, a fighting system, object/character interaction, menu system, controls/movement, inventory, saving/loading, collisions, triggers... and when you break it down those things are all available almost instantly and then just repeated throughout with different content, hours and hours of content; hundreds of enemies, hundreds of rooms and tiles, script, choices, items, abilities, animations/sprites etc. And then on top of that you have to look into gameplay balancing, do players find it too easy/hard, do they have to spend a lot of time grinding to get the right drops...

All I'm saying is make sure you really know what you're doing (including time scale and character/story progression) and prove to the people that you want to help you that you know what you're doing. Right now it just sounds like 'Hey I've got a cool idea, promised I would get it done and now I need help doing the content. Will pay you a share of the massive "profits" I'll get back'. But I wish you good look, it's not my intent to put you off.

Mon Jul 02, 2012 9:44 pm
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