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Manastorm Lust for guts
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Author:  nicolasx [ Sun Dec 04, 2011 8:41 am ]
Post subject:  Manastorm Lust for guts

Although I haven't been able to play this game online with hamachi yet I have pretty dang high hopes for it, its like a first person magicka they have three magicks with limited combinations for now but I think they said that they were going to make more this will be pretty fun when the later versions come out they are also incorporating online play
And has had a pretty smashing (I think thats still used to mean good?) review by DIY gamer here ... lust-guts/

Here is its motto

When you enter the world of Manastorm, you will no longer be maggots. You will be wizards. And you will be damn good wizards. You will be wizards capable of impaling a man on a two-inch shard of ice. You will summon a ball of God damn fire from the heavens for the sole purpose of creating a human barbeque. You will crush, burn, slice, freeze, maim, disembowel and decapitate any unfortunate entity in possession of a heartbeat within a three mile radius. You will screw a man in holes he didn’t even know he had.

You will be supernatural superagents. Magical majors. Sorcerous soldiers. You. Will. Be. Badasses.

Author:  trystanr [ Sun Dec 04, 2011 9:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Manastorm Lust for guts

Sounds really awesome.
Unfortunately I despise games that are based on magic.
Take skyrim for example, only spell Ill ever use is restoration, screw the rest, I need swords.
So tell me, what are the graphical qualities, 3d, 2d?
And will there be meelee attacks and the such?

Author:  Urch [ Sun Dec 04, 2011 3:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Manastorm Lust for guts

trystanr, seriously? if you're curious about the game why don't you click the provided links?

on point though, this game looks like it would be fun for a couple afternoons.

Author:  trystanr [ Sun Dec 04, 2011 7:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Manastorm Lust for guts

Its quite simple. I did.
Can't watch the vid. On mobile.

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