Data Realms Fan Forums

Serious Sam 3:BFE
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Author:  111herbert111 [ Fri Dec 02, 2011 7:24 am ]
Post subject:  Serious Sam 3:BFE

Howdy gents.
Anywho, has anyone here played SS3:BFE? I highly recommend it, A classic fusion of modern and classic gaming SS3 continues the tradition of Sam games with humour and all, intact. It starts of a bit slow, with only a few dozen more enemies than your average modern FPS at the start, but things pick up and some levels have over a thousand enemies and can be an hour or more long, the game itself can range from 8 hours to well above 20, depending on how good you are, the difficulty level (hard game BTW) and how many secrets you hunt for. Speaking of secrets, there is quite a few silly ones like always, such as in one mission, you can step inside a ticket booth and enemy will spawn and ask for a ticket, you kill him and soon there is a whole line of baddies in line, waiting their turn to gun you down.
The game doesn't introduce too many new guns, but mostly trims the fat and re balances, the new pistol is a thousand times better than the classic dualies; the sirian mutilator, an electric lasso, is a life saver when fighting groups of kleer skeletons (if you are unaware of them, you will learn to hate and love them in time) or when you want to surf a sirian werebull and then cut it's head off; the devastator, an automatic grenade launcher that fires enemy piercing grenades, yeah, awesome; C4 is useful in a game for once; and the sledgehammer is one of the most satisfying melee weapons I've ever used. The game, despite it's simple surface has a good depth to it, while playing you will have to juggle appropriate weapons for the varying enemies to save ammo for differing guns and you will soon learn the best weapons for dealing with enemies.

You have seen the somewhat disparate review scores flying about, a lot of the low scored reviews have a few issues though, Matthew Keast of GR seems to make a lot comparison to SS2 saying that BFE is way to serious in comparison, even though SS2 is considered way to silly by the majority of fans, he also fails to mention that brown and tan were the main colours of old school FPSes, (imagine DooM II, how many color did you see? I'd be willing to be a lot of brown and rust red.) Other reviews complained about the lack of originality, many of the reviewers gave MW3 an incredible score, citing that it has more of the same multiplayer that you love. (whether or not you like MW3, it lacks in originality) Even more reviews complained about the difficulty, those ones need to leave now.

If you have it and are looking for someone to play co-op with, hit me up on steam, the name is either my screen name here, or lilkramer I can't remember which right now...

Author:  Natti [ Fri Dec 02, 2011 8:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Serious Sam 3:BFE

I'm probably going to get this game at some point since I grew up with Second Encounter.
Playing HD remakes in co-op with various people mostly, atm.


Author:  111herbert111 [ Fri Dec 02, 2011 11:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Serious Sam 3:BFE

Natti wrote:

There were some people on various forums complaining because they did indeed have to take cover from arachnoid machine gun bursts and the like. -facepalm-

Author:  Natti [ Fri Dec 02, 2011 11:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Serious Sam 3:BFE

I fear I am repeating myself, but NO COVER. ALL MAN.
And the sniper rifle did help very much in shooting the arachnoids before they could fire.
Atleast in the first two games.

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