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 Pirates, Vikings and Knights 2 thread 
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Post Pirates, Vikings and Knights 2 thread
Might as well make the thread.

This is a source mod, you can download it for free if you got any source game (If you didn't buy TF2 long ago it wont include the necessary source tools to run mods, same with the free copy of Portal, for a full list of source games, go here:

It got achievements, 2 classes for each team (except 3 on the viking team, and soon 3 on the 2 other teams)
None of the teams got duplicate classes.

The only classes that will be very similar to each other is the healer classes.

Its a very melee oriented games, theres a few guns on some classes, and the obvious archer with bows.
Some classes can throw weapons however, like how the Huscarl can throw axes.
Most likely pirates will have most gun-based weapons while vikings have throwing weapons, and lastly, knights will have arrow-based weaponry, I am just guessing now, but thats probably how it will work.

Classes are:


Heavy Knight
Man at arms**

On steam:

*With that I mean, it doesn't include everything sourceish you need to download and play source mods.
**Will be released very soon
***Wont be released for quite some time probably

Sat Oct 08, 2011 12:40 pm
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Post Re: Pirates, Vikings and Knights 2 thread
DLing now, looks fun.

EDIT: Yeah, Gesir is wayyyyy too overpowered. Hell, the vikings as a whole are. Berserker holds down left mouse button for free kills, and the spear is insane.

Archers could probably use a buff, thay do far too little damage for the lack of any melee combat skill. Also, its far too easy to walk up to one and whack him, and he can't do anything.

Sun Oct 09, 2011 8:33 pm
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Post Re: Pirates, Vikings and Knights 2 thread
Draxonicar wrote:
DLing now, looks fun.

EDIT: Yeah, Gesir is wayyyyy too overpowered. Hell, the vikings as a whole are. Berserker holds down left mouse button for free kills, and the spear is insane.

Archers could probably use a buff, thay do far too little damage for the lack of any melee combat skill. Also, its far too easy to walk up to one and whack him, and he can't do anything.

I agree the Gestir is kind of overpowered, however, W+M1 (lol) berserkers are not a huge threat if you just attack him with charged attacks or block.

Archers can just backpedal and keep on shooting arrows, eventually the attacker loses enough health so he brings up a shield or simply runs.
Or you will eventually get your special attack (press F when red bar is filled) to one-hit him.

You also got the crossbow which pushes people far away if it hits at melee range.

Mon Oct 10, 2011 10:41 pm
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Post Re: Pirates, Vikings and Knights 2 thread
Except that walking backwards is a hell of a lot slower than walking forward.
But yeah the vikings are overpowered and it's missing too many classes to make each game unique.

Tue Oct 11, 2011 8:33 am
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Post Re: Pirates, Vikings and Knights 2 thread
maart3n wrote:
Except that walking backwards is a hell of a lot slower than walking forward.
But yeah the vikings are overpowered and it's missing too many classes to make each game unique.

Theres also the fact pretty much all maps are designed in such a way that archers always got some kind of advantage in terrain or whatnot if they are at the right place.

Tue Oct 11, 2011 3:50 pm
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Post Re: Pirates, Vikings and Knights 2 thread
That's completly true, but if you're assaulted by more than one person you're ♥♥♥♥ anyway. You just can't get them all before they get to you.

Which brings me to another thing, why doesn't the archers dagger just do full melee damage to himself? Think about it: Would you rather kill yourself or be chopped into tiny bits by a large raging scandinavian man?

Tue Oct 11, 2011 5:13 pm

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Post Re: Pirates, Vikings and Knights 2 thread
What about the pirates? Alone they might seem weak, but they are freaking overpowered in pairs.

Wed Oct 12, 2011 7:26 pm
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Post Re: Pirates, Vikings and Knights 2 thread
granate07 wrote:
What about the pirates? Alone they might seem weak, but they are freaking overpowered in pairs.

Personally I find everything mostly balanced.

Captain seems kind of underpowered though.

His parrot is useless, the gun does 40 damage if used at point blank, and the sword doesn't do any special amount of damage.
His special slows him down when reloading, which it shouldn't do.

The sword doesn't have any special parry ability either, and the hook + fist combo is only useful for bad-ass-points.

Wed Oct 12, 2011 8:44 pm
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Post Re: Pirates, Vikings and Knights 2 thread
The bird is useful, occasionally. I've used it to distract incoming Berserkers on a few occasions - they got pissed off at it and whipped around to kill it, leaving my free to escape. That said, it really would be nice if the Captain's special move didn't penalize you so much for using it, especially when most of the other special moves are instant.

Wed Oct 12, 2011 10:19 pm
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Post Re: Pirates, Vikings and Knights 2 thread
TheLastBanana wrote:
The bird is useful, occasionally. I've used it to distract incoming Berserkers on a few occasions - they got pissed off at it and whipped around to kill it, leaving my free to escape. That said, it really would be nice if the Captain's special move didn't penalize you so much for using it, especially when most of the other special moves are instant.

Yeah, it also penalizes you by being ♥♥♥♥ terrible. Honestly, it's my least favorite special, and I LIKE playing as Captain.

Thu Oct 13, 2011 2:54 am
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Post Re: Pirates, Vikings and Knights 2 thread
TheLastBanana wrote:
The bird is useful, occasionally. I've used it to distract incoming Berserkers on a few occasions - they got pissed off at it and whipped around to kill it, leaving my free to escape. That said, it really would be nice if the Captain's special move didn't penalize you so much for using it, especially when most of the other special moves are instant.

Its not useful against most people, if they know how to play they will kill the parrot in the first melee attack, giving you about 2 extra seconds.

2 seconds isn't as little as it seems though, but other than that the parrot is useless.

Also, a direct hit with the cannon ball still doesn't one-hit people at full health.

Not even Archers.

Thu Oct 13, 2011 5:19 pm
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Post Re: Pirates, Vikings and Knights 2 thread
GenericUsername wrote:
Its not useful against most people, if they know how to play they will kill the parrot in the first melee attack, giving you about 2 extra seconds.

2 seconds isn't as little as it seems though, but other than that the parrot is useless.

Yeah, I know. I'm not disagreeing with you, but somebody has to stand up for the little guys. At least you can give them really stupid names and try to distract people that way.

Thu Oct 13, 2011 11:14 pm
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Post Re: Pirates, Vikings and Knights 2 thread
TheLastBanana wrote:
GenericUsername wrote:
Its not useful against most people, if they know how to play they will kill the parrot in the first melee attack, giving you about 2 extra seconds.

2 seconds isn't as little as it seems though, but other than that the parrot is useless.

Yeah, I know. I'm not disagreeing with you, but somebody has to stand up for the little guys. At least you can give them really stupid names and try to distract people that way.

I just named my parrot a generic name.


Then again, the few times they actually distract, you usually can do a fully charged sword hit into their back or side.

Fri Oct 14, 2011 2:40 pm
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Post Re: Pirates, Vikings and Knights 2 thread
Mine is named "The Entire Population of Canada". It looks pretty hilarious on the kill list.

Fri Oct 14, 2011 4:09 pm
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Post Re: Pirates, Vikings and Knights 2 thread
I really can't wait for the Man-at-Arms.

Sat Oct 15, 2011 6:09 pm
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