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Crysis 2
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Author:  Hyperion110 [ Wed Jun 15, 2011 8:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Crysis 2

I don't think I have to introduce anyone.

In my opinion - awesome game. They are also going to release CryEngine 3 Sandbox and SDK. I can't wait.

Share your thoughts with DRLFF.

Author:  Lizardheim [ Wed Jun 15, 2011 9:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Crysis 2

Hell of a dissapointment, the singleplayer was ok, but if you're going to ship a game with multiplayer you might want to go back to how the previous multiplayer game for that IP was.
Eg, crysis wars.
More of a battlefield ish game rather than CoD with nanosuits.

Author:  Ociamarru [ Wed Jun 15, 2011 9:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Crysis 2

I was really disappointed that they took out Power Struggle, it was something new, innovative and fun in the first Crysis.

Also, they made the nanosuit way the ♥♥♥♥ weaker than it was in the original, so using it felt way less invigorating; I felt like I should be able to do certain things that I couldn't.

Author:  Hyperion110 [ Wed Jun 15, 2011 9:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Crysis 2

I've played C1, but it felt a bit... slow. I like C2 more.

Author:  Ociamarru [ Wed Jun 15, 2011 9:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Crysis 2

Really depends on how you play. First playthrough, I went stealth and pretty much made it through the game seldom killing anyone. Next playthrough, I just wanted to punch ♥♥♥♥ so that's what I did. Third playthrough I stuck to sniping, and it took me no time at all to make it through. Then, the last time I fully played through the game (I still ♥♥♥♥ around on certain levels and in the editor, don't play through campaign anymore) I pretty much stuck to a shotgun and Speed mode and blazed my way through everywhere.

Crysis 2 just felt...not linear, but way less free than Crysis. They had a set path, an idea for what they wanted you to do. And combat was just boring for me.

Author:  FoiL [ Wed Jun 15, 2011 11:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Crysis 2

It got boring pretty fast and isn't memorable. So yeah, mediocre as ♥♥♥♥.

Author:  Kettenkrad [ Thu Jun 16, 2011 1:19 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Crysis 2

Well, I haven't played Crysis 1, but I really loved the second one. It felt like CoD crossed with Halo, and I'd never experienced anything like it before. Haven't played multiplayer.

Author:  Hyperion110 [ Thu Jun 16, 2011 6:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Crysis 2

I was talking about MP. In C1 the maps were large and the players got spread out. Most of the time when I capped the experimental factory, nobody came. On the other hand, in C2 I get constantly showered with lead, grenades and other nasty stuff and the action is really dense.

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