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"What is that game?" |
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Author: | Raven [ Tue May 24, 2011 9:18 pm ] |
Post subject: | "What is that game?" |
Haven't been able to find out that one game's name? Do you need to know because you feel that you MUST play it? Well no longer look! Just give some info on what game you are talking about (EX: Genre, Objective, Players, your steam password, your home address) and I'm sure at least one person here will know what you are talking about. |
Author: | MrC121989 [ Wed May 25, 2011 12:24 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Official "What is that game?" thread. |
Try like this, type those lines in dosbox. But first put your game in "C:\DOSGames" folder, but thats not necessary i just find its much easier to organise like that. mount D D:\ -t cdrom -usedcd mount C C:\DOSGames\Abuse\ (note your folders may differ) C: Abuse.exe (dont know how your games executable file is called) Hope it helps. P.S. i recommend you try playing SyndicateWars and ShadowWarrior using Dosbox. ![]() |
Author: | matty406 [ Wed May 25, 2011 2:12 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Official "What is that game?" thread. |
I just make a DOSbox shortcut in each folder with a DOS game in it, and drag the game onto the shortcut, instantly mounting it. I find it easier that way sins the only DOS command I know is 'exit' Heh, now this thread pops up I can't think of any old games. Ah, thought of one. There was a game, it was a platformer. I think the idea was that there's a sort of virtual reality arcade thing, and you, the character, are hooked up to this thing. I'm not sure what the enemies were like, but I'm sure there were some there. I know for certain you could smash blocks to get powerups (No, it's not Mario Bros) and these powerups changed your character and gave him different powers. One powerup I remember for certain was where you become a tank called Juggernaut or Goliath (I can't recall the name exactly but it was one of the two) the name. Probably Goliath. |
Author: | caekdaemon [ Wed May 25, 2011 11:07 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Official "What is that game?" thread. |
Nonsequitorian wrote: Hell, I don't have any idea how to install a DOSBox emulator. Try Dfend, its a front end for dos box that makes it incredibly simple. I use it for all my old games, and it has never let me down. |
Author: | Azukki [ Thu May 26, 2011 7:02 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Official "What is that game?" thread. |
A computer game from somewhere around 1998 where you are a guy in a space suit, navigating a tiled puzzle with movable blocks, collecting diamonds along the way? |
Author: | CrazyMLC [ Thu May 26, 2011 7:36 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Official "What is that game?" thread. |
DOSBox is perfectly fine. Download, install, and read. Pretty much all you have to do is open DOSBox and 'mount' your hard drive. Code: mount C C:/ Then you just navigate to the folder with the games! (C:/users/myaccount/dosgames/ in this case) Code: cd users And I'm pretty sure if you folder's name is longer than 8 characters you have to do this... Code: cd myacco^8 Then this... Code: cd dosgames Then once you reach your game: Code: game.exe Wee! You made it! |
Author: | caekdaemon [ Thu May 26, 2011 7:44 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Official "What is that game?" thread. |
CrazyMLC wrote: DOSBox is perfectly fine. The funny thing is Dfend is a front end for DOSbox. |
Author: | caekdaemon [ Thu May 26, 2011 10:36 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Official "What is that game?" thread. |
Nonsequitorian wrote: Abuse is better than I remembered. Thanks, it's been at least 12 years since I last played that game. Imperium Galactica. I've had so much fun on that game its unimaginable. |
Author: | CrazyMLC [ Fri May 27, 2011 2:55 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Official "What is that game?" thread. |
Teen Agent. Tyrain 2000. Solar Winds. |
Author: | Natti [ Fri May 27, 2011 3:14 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Official "What is that game?" thread. |
One Must Fall 2097 is pretty damn amazing. |
Author: | Barnox [ Fri May 27, 2011 6:00 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Official "What is that game?" thread. |
Exile, an Ultima edit. |
Author: | YHTFLKC [ Fri May 27, 2011 6:01 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Official "What is that game?" thread. |
This game took place on an island, where convicts were kept. I think it was off the coast of Maryland, but I'm not sure. Main Character is sent there for killing his wife, which he spends the whole game convincing himself he didn't do. Immediately after his arrival, the prison is assaulted by demons and stuff. One of the first enemies you fight had its head suspended by spikes, off of its body, and if you shot it off, it could live for a bit longer before dying. I remember at one point he explores a mansion and falls into the basement, and discovers a fireaxe. Best weapon in the game, I think. Anyways, the island was also a place that was heavily (fictionally) used in WWII, and you find nazi and american flags and bunkers nestled throughout. I think it was something like "The _____". NEVERMIND it was called The Suffering. |
Author: | worldwriter [ Sat May 28, 2011 3:51 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Official "What is that game?" thread. |
Here's a vague one for you all, I played an indy game of the year winner in some category 6 or 7 years ago. The game was basicly a 3d round arena where blue and red blocks dropped. The point of the game was, I believe, to build a tower with your color blocks and when the tower fell the player with the most touching blocks in a row from the fallen tower won... or something like that... it was a long time ago but something about the game stuck with me in my head... anyone have a clue about it? |
Author: | Raven [ Sat May 28, 2011 5:29 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Official "What is that game?" thread. |
Toblo. Yes? No? |
Author: | worldwriter [ Sun May 29, 2011 2:53 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Official "What is that game?" thread. |
Toblo is VERY similar but more advanced. Possibly the game I'm talking about was the beginnings of Toblo. thanks. |
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