X-Com Meets Tabletop Roleplaying
Hey all!
New to the forums here and saw a whole bunch of gaming fans and wondered if anyone was interested in playing an RPG that sort of looks like X-Com meets a Tabletop game.
If you are interested in a world where you play as an underfunded agency that is tasked with identifying why aliens have invaded the world, all while the world's corporation "Nations" try to make a quick buck off the alien invasion, then RAYD WatchCode Xeno could be something that interests you.
I will be running the RAYD Demo for anyone who is interested (anyday of the week) as long as enough players are interested. Or if you want to play the free Demo with your gaming group, you can check it
out here For more info on RAYD and where to contact me for a gaming group, check out the
project here and the
demo here -For videos demonstrations of how to play , check out the how-to
video here -
For a Group play video, you can see the game in
action hereI hope to see you all in a game soon!
Mal (Kyle)