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Mechanized Assault eXploration
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Author:  Dauss [ Fri Oct 15, 2010 8:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Mechanized Assault eXploration

You may have already read my/another guys review with my commentary attached, if not, Here it is.

So, what is M.A.X.? (Assuming you still haven't read that review.)


Click above for the intro video.

Mechanized Assault eXploration was a turn based strategy game released in 1996. It is, without a doubt in my mind, my favourite game ever. I dedicated my avatar to it (Thanks Skiv, hero for getting that from the intro video for me.). I torrented the full ISO with sound and video when it was abandonware, because the trimmed down 'compact' version didn't cut it for me. I play it at least once every two days, and when I upgraded to Windows 7 and it stopped working, I begged Kelas for the better part of a month to buy the W7 compatible version for me from GOG.

Basically, I am in love with this game.


But enough of me singing its praises, at least not without reviews to back me up.

"M.A.X. manages to transcend simple tactics and is the first game of its kind that actually deserves to have the word "strategy" in its title." -

"Command & Conquer, move over. M.A.X. does it better." - Gamespot

If you're like me (Not a fan of Starcraft, thinks C&C4 is a slap in the face to fans of the series.), the main issue you have with an RTS these days is the unit rush 'tactic'. Build enough of a strong, all around effective unit, and swamp the enemy in them. The only defense against unit rushing? Do it first (Barring a game that lets you set up a brick wall defense quickly enough.). Suddenly your strategy game isn't so much about tactical thinking as it is the speed at which you click buttons.

Well, speed isn't so much an issue in a turn based game. With other factors contributing to M.A.X. as well, this is a true strategy game. It has been likened to chess in the way you must plan your every move. Everything requires forethought, down to the speed at which you produce units (As units can be built up to 4 times faster than normal, at the cost of additional resources.), to how much ammo you can spare to fight off that squad of scouts, and even moving into what might be an enemy minefield.


Click above for gameplay footage from the M.A.X. demo. (The guy playing isn't the greatest, so keep that in mind. I should totally record a gameplay session... Hmm.)

I don't want to take up too much more of your time so I'll wrap it up., Good Old Games if you're unacquainted, sells M.A.X.1. and Garbage Rushed Sequel Of Sadness (M.A.X.2.) for a measly 6 BUCKS. If you ask me, that's a fantastic deal for a game with this much replayability. I also mention the GOG option because it RESTORES MULTIPLAYER. GOG has made me the happiest girl in the world. (Kelas too, he bought it for me.)

So, I'll end the thread here saying that, if for nothing else, try the game (Google an abandonware torrent or something, I'm sure you can find the demo.). I'm vouching for it as much as I can.

Also, I encourage you to PM me about the game if you have any trouble finding it, I'm sure I can help you locate it somewhere.

Author:  Azakan [ Tue Oct 19, 2010 9:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Mechanized Assault eXploration

This looks like a great game! I'll try it out when I beat Jagged Alliance 2.
M.A.X and JA2 "seams" to be quite alike in some ways, whitch is good!

Author:  Lizardheim [ Tue Oct 19, 2010 10:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Mechanized Assault eXploration

This is bloody fun! Better than those silly turn based rtses (except advance wars and chess. Those are some cool guys.)
Arr I missed pirate day I don't get to say anyhing whitty :(
I'm sorry if this is against your anti pirate policy. Bloody ninjas...

Author:  Skiv [ Thu Oct 21, 2010 3:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Mechanized Assault eXploration

M.A.X. manages to transcend simple tactics

Haah waaw

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