Data Realms Fan Forums

HellMOO - The sickest game in town
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Author:  Tomaster [ Mon May 10, 2010 2:24 am ]
Post subject:  HellMOO - The sickest game in town

So, in light of recent events (in the game), I've decided to find out who plays this game on our beloved DRFF. Speak up if you do. If you don't, go here to try it out. It's a text based game that is literally one of the most unrestrained games you will ever play. So go have some fun!

Edit: Forgot to put this on the OP. There was recently a massive player wipe. So right now the server is down, but when it goes back up, everyone will start out as a noob!

Author:  Ragdollmaster [ Mon May 10, 2010 3:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: HellMOO - The sickest game in town

I've started an account, but I can't log in due to maintenance :sad:

Author:  Tomaster [ Mon May 10, 2010 4:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: HellMOO - The sickest game in town

Ragdollmaster wrote:
I've started an account, but I can't log in due to maintenance :sad:

I suppose I should have put that up there. There was was recently a massive player wipe. So the good news is, you'll be on equal footing with everyone when you start.

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