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Valve's Announcement
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Author:  TorrentHKU [ Wed Mar 03, 2010 11:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Valve's Announcement

I'm not even going to try to summarize the Portal ARG (Alternate Reality Game), so I'll just let this persondo it. That thread is conspiracy central for anyone who wants to look through it post by post.

As for Valve sending Mac based or related pictures to various news sites today, something Mac related, maybe iPod Touch/iPhone based, is coming. I'm putting my money on Steam for Macs.

Discuss. And no Mac bashing, no matter how tempting.

Author:  Toes from Europe [ Thu Mar 04, 2010 12:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Valve's Announcement

Steam + Some Source engine games on macs

Author:  shadow [ Thu Mar 04, 2010 7:51 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Valve's Announcement

I know for a fact that there are already mac ports of certain valve games. Examples include: Hl2, CSS, and L4D.

Author:  Kallemort [ Thu Mar 04, 2010 8:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Valve's Announcement

Good for them I suppose. Still lightyears away from actually multiple devs supporting mac, but it's a start.

Author:  Geti [ Thu Mar 04, 2010 9:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Valve's Announcement

This'll make a hell of a lot of people happy.

Author:  PhantomAGN [ Thu Mar 04, 2010 9:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Valve's Announcement

If Valve has ported the Source engine, then it brings with it all kinds of things.
For one, it would make it far less difficult to port the games that rely on it, as there is not a lot to a source game that is not handled via the engine.
I'm fairly certain that they do intend to bring Steam to the mac, as there is always room to expand profits. They also upgraded the Steam beta to rendering with Webkit (the renderer of both Chrome and Safari), so they obviously have some portability in mind.
I am not getting my hopes up just yet, they've been dashed on the rocks of crappy porting before.
But the evidence (they're just dropping these teasers all over) is pretty convincing.

Author:  Grif [ Thu Mar 04, 2010 4:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Valve's Announcement

I'm pretty certain the portal stuff is unrelated to the mac stuff.

Author:  Geti [ Thu Mar 04, 2010 8:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Valve's Announcement

I think the people who
    A) thought up all the ridiculous clues
    and B) cracked them
have way to much time, but are pretty cluey.

Author:  Miles_T3hR4t [ Sun Mar 07, 2010 2:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Valve's Announcement

that link to steam users' forum wrote:
-Portal gets surprise update yesterday afternoon
-People see new mystery achievement
-People play and see the radio in the beginning room now has a green light
-Carry it around and notice it makes strange broadcast interference noises in certain places
-Locate and place all 26 of these mystery radios for achievement
-Smart people yank wav files out of game content folders and run them through steganography programs
-Produces 26 weird cryptic image files in a numbered sequence

uh..... I can do that... I didn't think anyone would go quite that far for a teaser but...
that link to steam users' forum wrote:
-Some dude runs the number string through an md5 hash translator and gets a landline number
-Internet traces it to Kirkland, WA (near Valve HQ)

uh.... what... this is reminding me of NIN's alt reality
that link to steam users' forum wrote:
-People find out its not a phone/fax line but a data line hosting a BBS and telnet it

that link to steam users' forum wrote:
-Use a clue from one of the files to figure out the BBS user/password login info
-End up with a bunch of weird ASCII artwork

All this for a bunch of ascii art? I mean, sure it's cool, but... It's looking like teasers for HL2 Ep 3... so why would they put it in PORTAL? Portal 2? I mean portal and halflife are in the same universe, and it never says where on earth portal takes place, although I'm pretty sure its in the states, while HL2 is in europe (stated several times that it's in europe)... maybe the combine have a different presence in the US (former US at that point...)
that link to steam users' forum wrote:
-A collection of the ASCII artwork is posted:
-People get to work on the ASCII and an ingame screenshot may very well have been found by turning one of the ASCII artworks:
-Speculation on another ASCII image, showing 2 robot like creatures starts.
Some believe they are connected, whilest other dispute it, claiming it shows the skeleton of a chicken and therefor they are not connected.
Others speculate that this may be Combine Super Soldiers. ( and
-Another new collection of ASCII is posted here: and a blurred version is posted here:

I did NOT notice this, but... I'mma go play portal now on steam.. beat it on the 360, but haven't played on the PC yet.... omfg....


I figured I'd eat first, and do some reasearch.... ... Images.png

Author:  bbbzzz234 [ Sun Mar 07, 2010 2:30 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Valve's Announcement

Uh,.... I guess none of you saw >this<

Author:  TorrentHKU [ Sun Mar 07, 2010 2:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Valve's Announcement

That happened AFTER the massive conspiracy theory.

Author:  bbbzzz234 [ Sun Mar 07, 2010 7:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Valve's Announcement

Yes, but it also happened BEFORE Mile's post.

Author:  Miles_T3hR4t [ Sun Mar 07, 2010 1:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Valve's Announcement

bbbzzz234 wrote:
Yes, but it also happened BEFORE Mile's post.

I made that post, then I found more info.

also here's an interesting tidbit

In the portal (1) update, when you throw a radio into the disintegration things it plays some new sounds, and one of them contains the words "gordon freeman you're next!!!" played in reverse, as well as "Get me out of here" in a female voice (possibly your backup that GLaDOS mentions?)

oh yes, and I then sat down and played through portal, start to finish, in one sitting, getting all the radios I could find... I got 22/26 radios located and activated for the achievement... I then went through a full second time in developer commentary with noclip...

First of all, I then found 3 of the 4 i missed, as well as a fairly interesting comment

One of the original commentary nodes refers to " this first portal game..." which, immediately after the FIRST games release, instantly implied a sequel or prequel.

I kinda saw this coming.

also, unrelated to valve's announcement, but portal related.

Is it just me or does glados's body, not the balls, not the giant frame, but the part that hangs down... Is it just me or does it look like an adviser wearing some kind of helmet...

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