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 King Arthur's Gold - A 2D Minecraft-like 
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Post Re: King Arthur's Gold - A 2D Minecraft-like
Have fun I hope the bugs and glitches get fixed(still have random fall from the sky spawns lol)and new builds get added quick.

Wed Jul 06, 2011 9:32 am
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Post Re: King Arthur's Gold - A 2D Minecraft-like

Changes build 71-80:

- fixed network map load memory leak
- fixed more network memory usage
- changed camera so it is less sensitive close to player
- fixed auto_bots spamming lots of bots
- added archer bow & catapult progress bar
- “friendlydamage_modifier” in gamemode.cfg works as it should (multiplies friendly damage)
- remade arrow damage
  * the faster the arrow the more damage it inflicts
  * max velocity arrow always kills (unshielded)
- added half second draw arrow time for archer (jumping is suppressed while drawing)
- fixed arrow hits not registering against wall
- knight shield goes down after powerful hit (fast arrow, explosion)
- fixed random disconnecting on map restart
- fixed spawning on enemy respawn
- auto team balance shuffles only new players
- auto team balance doesn’t allow to change teams if teams are unbalanced
- modified no vote time to 5 minutes
- empty servers are kept alive on master
- gold is at least 7 blocks underground
- minimum_players_inteam set to 3
- warmup/break time (increased to 2.5 minutes)
- can’t build outpost or catapult until match started
- barrier set (at 1/3 to 2/3) of the map until match started
- tent has automatically placed bedrock beneath
- fixed outpost capturing bugs
- more rock parts/debris to pick up after collapse (and they stay longer)
- new wooden parts after destroyed wood structures (pickable)
- builder can’t give materials to knight or archer (only bombs and arrows)
- fixed scroll lock in chat box
- bomb block damage is based on distance (the farther the less damage)
- outposts and catapults slowly regenrate damage
- fixed background castle destruction exploit
- added gold bulion block [temporary]
- knight jump velocity is same as other classes
- rearranged block menu so castle wall and ladder are closest to mouse
- removed pilar castle background wall change
- added drawbridge
- arrows can destroy catapults and outposts
- new team emblems
- fixed crash on outpost destruction
- fixed spike stone collecting exploit
- resupply happens automatically on team tent (every 10 secs)
- during warm up time builder gets 100 wood and 100 stone in tent [temporary]
- player labels are a bit higher
- fixed knight gore machine bug
- fixed catapult creation displacement
- door requires just 40 wood now
- scoreboard sorted by kills instead of deaths
- map is restarted on server after 1 minute of being empty and only after match has started
- archer can’t collect arrows while charging bow
- archer can’t jump with fully charged bow
- remade catapults to work more as close siege weapons
  * cost half (120 wood)
  * deal twice more damage
  * range is smaller (1 screen)
  * arrows damage
- captured outpost restores health
- respawning on outpost being captured take 2 times longer
- builder jump smaller down when placing blocks

- fixed outpost not resupplying on change class
- fixed castle background not depleting materials when placed on ladder
- castle blocks placed on castle background can’t be placed if nothing below

Sat Jul 09, 2011 12:49 am
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Post Re: King Arthur's Gold - A 2D Minecraft-like
Looks awesome!
Unfortunately, will have to wait until I get home to try it out. :-(

Sat Jul 09, 2011 9:42 am

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Post Re: King Arthur's Gold - A 2D Minecraft-like
Damn it, I love the spike traps.

Had a good match today with a lot of teamwork. (Like we couldn't reach the ladder but one of our knights stood there with his shield and lifted us up)

Sat Jul 09, 2011 4:21 pm
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Post Re: King Arthur's Gold - A 2D Minecraft-like
I really enjoy this game when there's some excellent teamwork going on. Hopefully those sort of games outlive the ones where someone griefs a crucial outpost for laughs.

Some recent blog stuff:
OSX Temporary workaround
Server lobby discussion

Sun Jul 10, 2011 11:10 am
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Post Re: King Arthur's Gold - A 2D Minecraft-like
I really should get back into this.

Mon Jul 11, 2011 11:09 pm
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Post Re: King Arthur's Gold - A 2D Minecraft-like
I've been off of KAG for CC(haven't played it for 2 years :cry: ) since I found out I could get it to work on my PC so I will eventually go back to KAG.

Mon Jul 11, 2011 11:26 pm
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Post Re: King Arthur's Gold - A 2D Minecraft-like
We're bringing out accounts likely this week as we're more or less fed up with how people behave when they have the option of anonymity. They'll be mandatory and we're aiming to sort out the way they'll acquire reputation.

I think a social system with a cost would work - players would need to get upvotes before they can vote because voting either way would cost say, 0.5 reputation. Got to run, what're your thoughts?

Tue Jul 12, 2011 12:14 am
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Post Re: King Arthur's Gold - A 2D Minecraft-like
Methinks it'll weed out some bad 'uns but there'll still be a handful of them. However the reputation system will provide a guide on someone's style.

Tue Jul 12, 2011 12:24 am
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Post Re: King Arthur's Gold - A 2D Minecraft-like
I like the idea, but what if some legit players find a hacker on their little server and there aren't any people with rank high enough to vote him off?

Tue Jul 12, 2011 3:07 am
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Post Re: King Arthur's Gold - A 2D Minecraft-like
Getting a high enough rank to vote him off would be trivial, and would probably happen over the course of an hour or so of play, maybe less. Starting a vote wouldn't be blocked unless you had negative reputation/karma - I guess if a player had enough positive rep to downvote an entire server to negative rep without dropping themselves below the threshold then we'd have a problem but for the most part I can't see that being a common phenomenon as that sort of griefer would have to play like a normal player for long enough to gather that sort of social power, essentially forcing them to "play nice" for quite a while.

We're going to need some sort of reporting system though so that players that are actively doing that sort of thing can be identified and banned.

...I just realised what you were actually talking about, Miggles. "Voting" in the sense I was talking about wasn't in the sense of votekicking but up- and down-voting on people's reputation/karma. That means that newly created accounts can't be used to boost up someone's rank -> griefers can't multiaccount to upvote themselves without playing nicely.

Tue Jul 12, 2011 11:21 am
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Post Re: King Arthur's Gold - A 2D Minecraft-like
Yaaay, I gave Geti a helpful idea! I feel so productive. :D

Tue Jul 12, 2011 11:29 am
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Post Re: King Arthur's Gold - A 2D Minecraft-like
KAG on ModDB
Look! I'm famous!

Sat Jul 16, 2011 10:32 am
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Post Re: King Arthur's Gold - A 2D Minecraft-like
Yoman987 wrote:
KAG on ModDB
Look! I'm famous!

lol@ that Darth Vader comment at the bottom.

Sat Jul 16, 2011 3:59 pm
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Post Re: King Arthur's Gold - A 2D Minecraft-like
Changes build 80-90:

- added mandatory game accounts
  * player nickname is the same as account user name
  * added optional clantag in main menu Player settings

- Archer changes:
  * offscreen arrows deal only half damage
  * removed blocked jumping when bow fully charged
  * added arrow ladders (archers can climb their own arrows on a wall)
  * archer full charge is faster
  * arrow gravity and maximum speed changed
  * archer charge decharges when after reaching maximum point
  * archer charge bar appears on mouse cursor
  * arrow leaving archer is properly positioned
  * added knockdown period for arrow hit
  * slow arrows deal half damage
  - archer arrow deals max 1 heart damage

- Knight changes:
  * changed knight sword mechanics
  * 2 hits available: quick jab (1 heart), charged swing (hold fire button; 2 hearts)
  * hitting with charged swing stuns the opponent for a moment
  * charged knight jumps lower
  * knight has same movement speed as archer and builder
  * new knight sword strike animations and sounds
  * knight can only dig with fully charged swing
  * shielded knights always pushes other players in the shield direction
  * new ability to climb shielded upwards knight
- Builder changes:
  * builders can’t penetrate knight armor
  * building is delayed and requires builder to stand still
  * added possibilty for builder to drop castle block
  * builder square cursor is always drawn
  * added repairing destroyed parts (takes always half of full block materials)
  * increased builder build radius
  * builder sees more into the map

- new score system
  * earn points for: building, killing, capturing/returning flag
  * lose points for: suicide, mining structures
- fixed resolution changing when desktop is the same size as window
- fixed wrong resolution ratio picked
- fixed resolution change offset bug
- improved open door/bridge mechanics
- more dirt particles velocity
- players have less acceleration on ground
- fixed background dirt bugs
- scores render over player labels
- fixed trees not growing on right side of map
- trees don’t lose coronas when chopped
- fixed server disconnection errors
- fixed collapsed blocks create random blocks
- fixed outpost not giving supplies on start
- outpost during capture does not give out supplies
- changed all damage using discrete values
- fixed grass appearing underground
- half hearts health are drawn on HUD
- can’t throw bomb while holding flag
- fixed player names appearing as one letter on Linux
- fixed spikes not collapsing
- disabled periodic automap saving [temporary]
- fixed not able to join own team again if teams unbalanced
- added server variable “sv_require_auth” (default: yes; requires clients connecting to server be logged in master server)
- optimized server tree storage
- added sky gradient
- emoticons and point frame stay until key pressed or chat above head dissapears
- changed vote kicking mechanic (takes into account players time on server and score)
- added server mapcycle (Base/Scripts/mapcycle.cfg)
- two new map generator files added to mapcycle (generator_ctf_hole; generator_ctf_mountain)
- fixed png maps not saved or loaded on Linux server
- fixed outpost color not changing after capture
- added take screenshot sound (F4)
- flag carrier is slower by 10%
- fixed bomb-block damage miscalculation
- lowered ping kick time to 15 minutes
- vote minimum time lowered to 3 minutes
- fixed players not respawning after map change
- removed bridge gibbing
- fixed catapult spawning at right map edge
- main menu change : “Map editor” instead of “Start game”
- fixed ground and other blocks not appearing in editor block palette
- fixed not being able to destroy blocks around tent
- only main tent restores health
- fixed infinite outpost volcano
- fixed gold bullion not destructible by catapult
- fixed catapult ground collision sound
- fixed shield collisions
- above head chat stays shorter


Wed Jul 20, 2011 2:36 am
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