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Post Re: DayZ
Kanedoom wrote:
Actually, I bought it FOR arma. I am not some random DayZ "Fanboi". :)

I'm proud of you. :cool:

Mon Dec 10, 2012 8:30 am
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Post Re: DayZ
On that note, I too have Arma 2 and Operation Arrowhead, but not for DayZ, that don't interest me at all.

I love the huge battles. Commanding soldiers is a bit of a pain, though. I can't get them to do what I want so I don't even bother, and leave them following me.

Mon Dec 10, 2012 1:12 pm
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Post Re: DayZ
BTWXT wrote:
Kanedoom wrote:
Actually, I bought it FOR arma. I am not some random DayZ "Fanboi". :)

I'm proud of you. :cool:
This is absolutely disgusting.

Why the hell should you treat someone differently based on their reasons for buying a certain game?

Mon Dec 10, 2012 1:49 pm

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Post Re: DayZ
But Lizard, we loooove you!

Buying a game just for a mod is rather crazy, although it is understandable. The original arma 2, and Operation Arrowhead isn't for everyone. It is a little slower, and more tactical. But DayZ has some pretty amazing stuff, so if you bought Combined Operations, I would recommend checking it out.

Mon Dec 10, 2012 3:46 pm
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Post Re: DayZ
Pretty sure cc is good because of mods, but ontopic

I haven't touched dayz in a while, Anyone wants to team up with me I've got some gear to spare, hit me up on skype.

Wed Dec 12, 2012 9:08 am
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Post Re: DayZ
I dont play DayZ myself because my Specs are bad for it (ill lag only). I only watched some videos of it and i must say: The Zombies dont usually run, but when they do, they run like Usain Bolt after you.

Wed Dec 12, 2012 4:05 pm
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Post Re: DayZ
i have played DayZ before and just for your info i did not buy ArmA 2 CO (combined operations) just for DayZ.
just for those people who are wondering if they should get ArmA 2 CO for DayZ you should read this.
either by the very small end of the year or the starting of next year the standalone version of DayZ will come out but i need to let you now that ArmA 2 is a very fun tactical military game and co-op multiplayer in it is extremely fun because you will need to work together with your team to complete objectives in very fun unique ways and its super fun multiplayer part is very often overlooked because of 2 reasons

1. the game is not that popular and the only reason its getting more popular is because of DayZ.
2. the growing popularity makes it so when you go to the server browser all you see is floods and floods of DayZ servers and like 95% of them are empty (SO WHY EVEN HAVE THEM). and because of the pointless amount of DayZ servers it makes it very hard and rare to come across a regular server, and when you do find a regular server there is only like 0-4 people playing it anyway so whats the point. (there NEEDS to be a large removal of DayZ servers.)

Wed Dec 12, 2012 5:54 pm
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Post Re: DayZ
You know there's this cool thing called a filter.

Arma was a dead game, and now it's not. Weither that's because of this specific mod is pretty irrelevant. If y'all wanna go make an arma thread you can.

Thu Dec 13, 2012 2:37 am
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Post Re: DayZ
Lizardheim wrote:
BTWXT wrote:
Kanedoom wrote:
Actually, I bought it FOR arma. I am not some random DayZ "Fanboi". :)

I'm proud of you. :cool:
This is absolutely disgusting.

Why the hell should you treat someone differently based on their reasons for buying a certain game?

Easy to answer. I've had good experiences with ArmA 2 players who hopped over to DayZ when it came around. Better, more often than not, than with players who came straight to it for DayZ. It requires a slightly different sort of player, one that I find more favorable. You could also say it's sort of like how some guys prefer girls with common interests and views, as well as particular skill sets and experience. There could be greater detail I could delve into, but it would likely be more of the same, for all practical intents and purposes.

Mind your own opinion, because mine is validated. :P I don't much care if you find it immoral, unfair, or similar such things.

Kanedoom wrote:
[...] But DayZ has some pretty amazing stuff, so if you bought Combined Operations, I would recommend checking it out.

I second that.

mechwarrior wrote:
[...] and when you do find a regular server there is only like 0-4 people playing it anyway so whats the point. (there NEEDS to be a large removal of DayZ servers.)

This should be remedied (somewhat) when the standalone comes, and if people take to it well and swiftly. Expect a number of residual, unofficial servers, though. Your best bet may be to join a clan or the like to play with, and try using the filter, as alpha mentioned.

Thu Dec 13, 2012 10:16 am
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Post Re: DayZ
The Standalone will probably be pretty cool, but I am gonna be busy playing WoW and ARMA II. I might get it, if my friends do.

Fri Dec 14, 2012 4:59 pm
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Post Re: DayZ
I bought arma ages before Day Z came out, i loved the type of games ever since i played Operation Flashpoint.

As for Day Z i been iffy about it in a way.

Sat Dec 15, 2012 10:48 pm
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Post Re: DayZ
Resurrecting this.

Does anyone play on the Taviana maps?

Fri May 17, 2013 9:11 pm
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Post Re: DayZ
I play a bit of Origins, which uses the Taviana map I believe.

Sat May 18, 2013 12:07 pm
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Post Re: DayZ
The other day I found an armored medical vehicle, and I was driving it around the norther part of the right island in Tavania. I suddenly had 4 cars chasing me, and they drove me into a field where 2 more cars and a helicopter were waiting for me. I was able to turn around and get away, but not before they all unloaded like 50 shots on me. I drove away just fine, and drove up an actual mountain. 2 cars were still following me. So they chased me from one end of the island to the other, and eventually I made my way to the bridge connecting the two islands. A helicopter followed me on the bridge and was firing on me the whole time. On the other end of the bridge, there was a barricade of 6 cars and at least 15 guys waiting for me to get there. I ended up running off the road and losing a tire on a pylon, and after sitting there for about a minute under continuous gunfire (from small arms, shotguns, and straight up automatics) I was finally killed.
The whole thing took about 45 minutes.

Sun May 19, 2013 8:04 pm

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Post Re: DayZ
Why the hell were they even following you...

Thu May 23, 2013 12:48 pm
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