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 D&D and such 
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Post Re: D&D and such
If I could find my 3.5 players handbook, I could host a game over the web I suppose.

I still have a few characters of yore... a Sorcerer (level 2, I believe) and my Fighter which was my very first DnD character (5)

Sat Feb 14, 2009 6:47 am
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Post Re: D&D and such
I now have the ability to do a campaign. And a spiffy new program to do it with.

Look up Fantasy Grounds 2. It includes online chat, Dice rolling, importing any image for maps, and it records character sheets and all the stuff you need for ANY table-top game, And was designed for things like D&D.

I happen to have a copy, and would be willing to run a game, if others could use it, and I got enough players (3-6 would be nice). I don't know much of how to use it all that well, and the only real reason for me to do that, instead of as just an online chat, is because I can keep track of your character sheets, and actually see the Die-Rolls. Just PM me if your interested in playing that way, Mind you this will be my first campaign online, and i'm not sure how well it will work.

Sat Feb 14, 2009 7:03 am
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Post Re: D&D and such
I'm up for it, Miles. Of course, that'll be TWO tabletop programs I have now, but whatever.

Sat Feb 14, 2009 7:40 am
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Post Re: D&D and such
I'll sign up for your new online DnD campaign. I've DM'ed a campaign (that didn't go very far,) and have actually written a campaign of my own. If you want someone else to DM, of course (or a support DM.) I'm perfectly happy with just playing though, DnD is always fun.

Sat Feb 14, 2009 7:57 am
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Post Re: D&D and such
to mlc

you said you had no books so heres a solution.
you obviously have a computer so why not torrent them, pop em on a laptop, its what i do for the unnecesary ones.

Sat Feb 14, 2009 8:02 am
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Post Re: D&D and such
Okay I have a bit of a problem...

I need to do this like the aztecs and make a time system that everyone can understand...

At the bottom left of all posts is the time of the post, in I think either your time or the server time...

In california right now its 11PM

Where I am, is Ohio... It is 2 AM

so, compare the time I say, to the time on my post... this will tell you how different our time scheduals are...

I do not have a job, so I may be tempted to switch to a night-shift, but thats not productive for anything BUT this, so I'd really rather not... If any of you would like to play, and have a time your free, Mid-day or morning where you are, which would be from the west coast, to my time, puts me, mid-day to night time, then I can run it then. This is the one HUGE problem I see.

Apart from that, I see alot of people interested, Hopefully by tomorrow, I'll have enough people in the same schedual... If the only people willing to play, are on pacific time, I will have to adjust my scheduall... even if it means being asleep till 1 or 2 in the after noon.... though my preference is to not change my schedual...

Sat Feb 14, 2009 8:10 am
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Post Re: D&D and such
This was a PM

Miles_T3hR4t wrote:
Languidiir wrote:
I would really prefer not to change my schedule too much, but I can settle for perhaps 7 PM to 12 AM if that would help.

it might... 7 PM to 11PM for you, is 10 PM to 2 AM for me, i'm already up durring that time... i'm gonna copy/paste this into the thread

7 PM Pacific Standard Time is 10 PM Eastern Standard
11 PM Pacific Standard is 2 AM Eastern Standard...

This is a good time for me, Anyone who can use this time, and is interested please post here.. Include your time-zone, and what it is in Eastern standard, so I can figure out when to do this. I am available 16-18 hours a day, 7 days a week, but might not be contactable.... I have to remember to log in more often.

Sat Feb 14, 2009 8:24 am
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Post Re: D&D and such
I'm totally up for it. I'll PM you info.

Sat Feb 14, 2009 9:50 am
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Post Re: D&D and such
Or we could use GMT since everyone should know their time in reference to GMT. That's probably easier for everyone.

I am GMT-7 and am generally available only on weekends. From 1900pm to 500am the next day.

Sat Feb 14, 2009 7:13 pm
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Post Re: D&D and such
As opposed to 1900 AM?

Sat Feb 14, 2009 8:17 pm
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Post Re: D&D and such
Noon for him is 1900 in gmt, so it's pm in gmt.

I'm -8 GMT so I love the time scedule alenth put out there.
And it might be useful to have a moderator playing... I guess.

Sat Feb 14, 2009 10:24 pm
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Post Re: D&D and such
I will be running this some time between 6 PM and 2 AM EST, I don't actually know the GMT conversion... I hate using GMT, it always throws me off...

Eastern Standard is GMT -05:00

I plan on running it Starting Next week, on thursday or friday, because of more availability from my roommates, who will mostly be out of town...

Now the important part... I have a large number of settings that I can run, and want the players to decide.

I already posted all the books at my disposal, as a photo, so You know I can do everything from Cthulu, to zombies, to demons, to psionics, to giant robots, or an army of clones from the future, or whatever, and not have to just pull stats out of my ass...

So here's what I want from you.... I know this is D&D, but I typically just use that as a blanket term for 'table-top pen&Paper RPG, with semi-modified D20 Rules'

Fantasy, Modern, Apocalypse, or future. (when I say modern, I mean real life, 1970's on till the near future)

Realistic, Sci-Fi, Horror, fantasy? (genre) (and when I say Sci-fi, i mean space) (and when I say fantasy, I mean Unrealistic and abstract things, such as planar travel, dragons, elves, etc)

Magic or no magic,
Psionics or No psionics.

And the last 2 things
How advanced do you want the game to be,
IE "i am a noob" or "I have played a few years" or "I've played since i was 8, and i'm in my 30's"

For noob players I will give a handycap to for making stupid mistakes, so they don't ruin the game by doing something noobish, that gets every player killed. you know, 'someone near by uses supernal clarity and time goes backwards about a minute, try again' or some cheesy ripped from a bad B movie almost success.

And lastly a roll-call, I want to know how many players can, and are interested, to play, during the time I listed.

I'm actually available from about 1 PM till 2AM, but most people expressed that a later game is best.

After players are decided, and the setting is decided, character generation begins, and we set a date to play, hopefully between the 19th and the 23rd for the first game. If you want to play, Please put that statement in bold, and preferably bright color so I don't miss that.

Sun Feb 15, 2009 12:30 am
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Post Re: D&D and such
No Psionics, the rest is rather dependent on settings.

Something where chargen can be done online. No more than ~6 players, relatively noobish, and preferably using OpenRPG or something?

It would be a MOST EXCELLENT IDEA to run something with at least partial system references published online. The DM is usually the person who DOESN'T really need the books.

You posted from 2300-700(next day) GMT, which is MST 1600-2400, I would probably be available if you were committed enough to guarantee when this thing is running.

Sun Feb 15, 2009 12:54 am
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Post Re: D&D and such
I'd prefer the classic fantasy D&D with the dungeons and dragons and the like.

Also, I'm a noob. I know basically how everything works, but I've never played.

Sun Feb 15, 2009 1:03 am

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Post Re: D&D and such
Then you might know the basics. Anyone who has played a campaign with relatively skilled players will run circles around you in character creation. Just how it seems to work.

Sun Feb 15, 2009 1:08 am
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