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 Eclipse Phase: The sci-fi roleplaying game of SPACE OCTOPUS. 
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Post Re: Eclipse Phase: The sci-fi roleplaying game of SPACE OCTOPUS.
For the record for anyone who doesn't already know (all two of you) I live in Arizona (not in the same city as Data) and thus get no Daylight Savings at GMT-7.

Thu Dec 31, 2009 10:17 pm
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Post Re: Eclipse Phase: The sci-fi roleplaying game of SPACE OCTOPUS.
Grif wrote:
I'm down but only if I get to be han solo

You can be, like, DOUBLE han solo
BLACK double han solo

Fri Jan 01, 2010 6:32 am
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Post Re: Eclipse Phase: The sci-fi roleplaying game of SPACE OCTOPUS.
The level of customization EP has makes it so you can be James Bond if you want.

Everything is controlled during character creation, no rolls, so everyone is equal, and you spend your points on anything you want, to be whatever you want.

Want to be a weapons specialist? No problem.
Want to be a suave, deceptive, lying ♥♥♥hole? Sure thing.

Fri Jan 01, 2010 7:06 am
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Post Re: Eclipse Phase: The sci-fi roleplaying game of SPACE OCTOPUS.
The ClamV2 wrote:
You can be, like, DOUBLE han solo
BLACK double han solo


Fri Jan 01, 2010 12:30 pm

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Post Re: Eclipse Phase: The sci-fi roleplaying game of SPACE OCTOPUS.
Han Solo is kind of like a RAGNRR.

At any rate, I hop to start tomorrow or Sunday, but I think it'll mostly be an intro sort of thing so I can get a feel of how the group wants to play on the whole. If you have any questions about characters or chargen or whether or not you guys are all Firewall agents (I don't even really care, being a Sentinel means you're on call all the time though, but I can explain whatever you're doing as espionage or something if you go gatecrashing).

When you finish your characters make sure to send a copy of the sheet to me.

Fri Jan 01, 2010 9:31 pm

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Post Re: Eclipse Phase: The sci-fi roleplaying game of SPACE OCTOPUS.
Bump for me being dumb. The character sheets I put in that archive can't be saved.

Here's a selection of three .xls character sheets people have made, some of them are... simpler than the rest. Grif used one of these already (The JMobius) These versions might be a bit old, but I'm not sure. You're free to use any others you might find, although I sort of like the RK version, since it looks almost exactly like the normal character sheet.

All credit goes to Radek Kasiuk, Tony Lee, and Sean 'JMobius' Mattox, near as I can tell.

And this is a bit more useful as a step-by-step: ... alkthrough

Sat Jan 02, 2010 3:01 am
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Post Re: Eclipse Phase: The sci-fi roleplaying game of SPACE OCTOPUS.
I finished my charsheet alenth, I'll PM you a filesmelt, but jesus christ
It's finally done
And it is glorious

Sat Jan 02, 2010 11:17 am

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Post Re: Eclipse Phase: The sci-fi roleplaying game of SPACE OCTOPUS.
Here's a fancy .doc character sheet I made for you guys as well. The third page is a bunch of helpful stuff I put together, I might make a 4th page that explains gameplay and some of the overlooked-but-important skills.

So far only Grif and Clam have given me sheets.

Sun Jan 03, 2010 3:05 am
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Post Re: Eclipse Phase: The sci-fi roleplaying game of SPACE OCTOPUS.
I'm out.

Sun Jan 03, 2010 3:12 am
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Post Re: Eclipse Phase: The sci-fi roleplaying game of SPACE OCTOPUS.
I gave you a sheet?

CrazyMLC wrote:
Holy craperson, it's official.
Well, I'll join, if I can, mainly because I've really been looking forward to this.

Just curious, will this be a roleplaying sorta campaign or will it have lots of combat?

GMT -8
Open every day 5-8 PM, Saturdays 4-9 PM.

I've never played before, as a warning, but I will try my best.

Hey, do you remember that thing about my character we needed to ask Alenth about? The game rules allowed it, but it was kinda overpowered or something I think. It had something to do with some sticker patches and climbing, but I can't recall it.

Sun Jan 03, 2010 10:58 am
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Post Re: Eclipse Phase: The sci-fi roleplaying game of SPACE OCTOPUS.
Ill play, sounds like fun. Im in pacific standard time.

Sun Jan 03, 2010 10:32 pm

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Post Re: Eclipse Phase: The sci-fi roleplaying game of SPACE OCTOPUS.
We'll probably be playing around 4 or 5 MST and running for 2-4 hours per session(GMT-7, ignore daylight savings). Today isn't looking good, so as soon as I get 4+ characters set up and ready to play around that time I'll announce it.

If you need the time changed tell me and I'll see what I can do.

Sun Jan 03, 2010 11:37 pm
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Post Re: Eclipse Phase: The sci-fi roleplaying game of SPACE OCTOPUS.
Im a little bit below half way on my char sheet. Should be in on at least EDIT: make that at least saturday, school started and its hard to use my comp. Also on a related note, whats this section for? Couldent figure it out.Image

Last edited by rjhw1 on Thu Jan 07, 2010 4:41 am, edited 1 time in total.

Mon Jan 04, 2010 4:44 am
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Post Re: Eclipse Phase: The sci-fi roleplaying game of SPACE OCTOPUS.
If someone could throw together a character for me, that'd be great. I don't understand this kinda stuff without help. I'd like a smuggler/bar-dweller/streetwise punk with a good heart and a rough past.

Mon Jan 04, 2010 4:49 am
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Post Re: Eclipse Phase: The sci-fi roleplaying game of SPACE OCTOPUS.
Sorry Alenth, my computer broke down on new year's day. I'll give you a sheet today or so.

So the aptitude bonuses from morphs do not apply to skills?

Thu Jan 07, 2010 4:21 am
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