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Scene Editor Topic
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Author:  Kokits [ Sun Dec 09, 2007 6:42 am ]
Post subject:  Scene Editor Topic

So, I was gonna put this in general, but then I figured it would be better here.

This is a general topic discussing the Build 19 Scene Editor. If you have bugs, questions, or comments, you should put them here so your fellow DRealmer's can help you out.

I have some questions of my own:

Is there a way to make an actor (more specifically the crab) be on the nuetral, or wildlife, team? I've tried it out and the only thing I can do is make them be on the red or green team.

Doors are a problem. You can designate doors to red or green, but doors that are placed automatically with certain bunker modules are automatically made for the red team. Is there anyway to change this?

Brain bunkers. Ho. Ly. Crap.
I want to make a brain bunker with a green brain, and one with a red brain. However if I simply place a brain bunker in the editor, the brain that appears is always red. I try manually to put a green brain in there, but the red one still shows up.

Most of my problems are from trying to make scenes for both single and multiplayer. Any help?

Author:  Lord Tim [ Sun Dec 09, 2007 6:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Scene Editor Topic

Build the scene, and then go back into the .ini and fix everything.

Author:  Grif [ Sun Dec 09, 2007 8:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Scene Editor Topic

You can designate teams with the Pie Menu.

The brain is variable with this.

Author:  Lord Tim [ Sun Dec 09, 2007 8:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Scene Editor Topic

New Bug for Scene Editor:

Editor doesn't show AddChildObjects when you place them in the editor.

Author:  Kokits [ Sun Dec 09, 2007 3:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Scene Editor Topic

Grif wrote:
You can designate teams with the Pie Menu.

The brain is variable with this.

Yes, I know this, it's just that when I place a brain bunker (which, when the game starts, automatically places the brain) the brain that appears is always red.

I'll take Tim's advice and fix it in the ini.

And ChildObjects? What are those? I haven't modded since Build 16, so I can't help you there.

Author:  novodantis [ Sun Dec 23, 2007 1:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Scene Editor Topic

I've found that you can change the team of a non-actor object like a bunker module by first switching to a soldier, changing the team to green, then going back to the bunker and placing it. This would be a nice workaround, if it weren't for the fact it was buggy: they appear on the correct team when going to "test map", but actually loading the map will make them red and therefore green starts shooting up its own base.

The editor has three key issues IMHO:
- The inability to make bunker modules on a specific team (without editing .ini)
- A bug where a cursor with a door component selected will carve up terrain (in-game also)
- The inability to flip objects (at least horizontally)

Author:  DireAvenger [ Wed Dec 26, 2007 12:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Scene Editor Topic

Sorry, Already made a thread about this but thought it would be better here.

I've found that the scene editor doesn't load mods. If anything, Only skirmish and campaign.

Author:  novodantis [ Fri Dec 28, 2007 12:43 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Scene Editor Topic

DireAvenger wrote:
Sorry, Already made a thread about this but thought it would be better here.

I've found that the scene editor doesn't load mods. If anything, Only skirmish and campaign.

If you mean custom landscape, you may need to define the terrain in an ini before you can use it. Take a look at how it's defined in a map like Grasslands or something. If you copy the ini for the map file to a new map file, then substitute the bitmap path for your own terrain, it will appear as a selectable when making a new Editor map. Sorry, that's not a great explanation, but it's a fiddly procedure.

If you mean the objects; that's down to the object itself. In order to appear in lists of objects you need to add it to those categories, with lines in the .ini such as "AddToGroup = Bunker Modules".

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