Data Realms Fan Forums

The Ultimate dynamic skirmish game mode
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Author:  4zK [ Fri Sep 02, 2016 5:43 pm ]
Post subject:  The Ultimate dynamic skirmish game mode

Even with the forum activity being what it is currently, I still think that the game has potential to be enjoyable, but I personally feel that many of the (vanilla) game modes are somewhat lacking.

I've had a lot of fun with weegee's Dynamic Warfare in the past, and I've been thinking about fleshing it out or creating something similar that would feature a wider array of "tasks" and other events.

Other additions would include:

    Automatic output of friendly actors (important)
    Balanced & dynamic output of enemy actors relative to the amount of friendly actors
    Task rewards other than gold (extra actors etc.)
    Multiplayer tasks (?)
    Scene compatibility without the use of areas/boxes (optional)

I advise those reading this to offer their own input and ideas on the subject since after all, the point is to make a game mode for those who might still be playing the game.

I'm also hoping to make a similar game mode that is PvP.

Author:  Praetors [ Mon Sep 05, 2016 11:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Ultimate dynamic skirmish game mode

Oh hell yeah, i definitely want you to complete this idea!

Some events that i would like to see happening in a dynamic game:

-Meteor fall (not as heavily scripted as thunderstorm global script):
Not common to happen (like once per half hour). A warning sound plays, and then a chunk of stuff falls in flames from sky (not vertically, that would be boring, make it with enough entry angle to cross half map as it falls. Just imagine the oh-noes as players realize the trayectory lol) doing surface damage when it crashes (enough to kill actors, and just barely enough to pierce a small bunker wall)

-Gold Meteor fall:
Self explaining, the crash site leaves a variable ammount of gold to mine, good for long battles.

-Dropship fall:
Same as meteor, just that the dropship IS a dropship falling with no control, variable trayectory, and variable damage (one can fall without engines, others with just one working (spinning like hell, lol), or with both but turned off).
Dropship cargohold could be empty, filled with random stuff, or filled with dangerous stuff (big explosion here).
Also, it could be opened as it falls, spreading stuff/death on its way to ground.

-VIP Dropship fall:
Same as above, just that a mission pops out saying you HAVE to recover a certain object from the wreckage to gain gold. This vip could be a neutral actor that becomes yours to fight at your side when you get close, or get killed by AI.
A variation of this event could be that you have to call a dropship to get that guy out of danger some moments later.

-Random Reinforcements:
If enemy, one, two or even three dropships come to deploy a full wave of hostiles, from wich you have to suvirve to get gold.
Such hostiles could be from the same faction of your enemy AI or another, and unit type vary from hordes of dumb zombies, passing thru several quadruped robot walkers, to one or two elite and hard to kill units. Note that this could happen at the same time than the mission of above, so you have to defend the VIP from its chasers!
If ally, a dropship comes to happily carpet-bomb enemies, but you win no money.

-Suvirve the orbital bombing:
Self explaining and already seen in Dynamic Warfare, but with more variations, it could be a loooong rain of not so powerfull bombs/shells with barely enough power to kill units or just a single powerfull laser shot with bunker piercing capabilities directly to your brain immediate sorroundings. You get no money for suvirving.

-Collect Stuff:
Same as Dynamic warfare, but more rewarding as ammount of stuff to recover over time increases. Plus in some cases you have to carry all of them with one actor and then send him to space. If the actor dies, it drops the stuff so you have to get it again at its corpse. You will lose the actor if you have to send that stuff to space, but get even more rewarded for that.

Somewhat the same than random reinforcements, but with a warning, and suddenly you get carpet-bombed, a dropship or two falls between the bombs making the scenery even more chaotic (like if they intercepted some of yours) and after the bombing a bunch of dropships come to deploy a horde of enemies. This happens when you have more than certain ammount of actors/gold/time played. As the three values are higher, ammount of enemies increases, passed certain point, the ammount of dropships could be dangerous to pop in (crashes on slow machines, extreme low fps, or domino effect and invasion becomes a rain of wreckage), the solution is changing dropships for drop-pods (this could be even more epic to see after a rain of bombs) that do not open until the last has fallen, or even better.. instant teleportation of, say, fully equiped 20-30 enemies over your base?. AI be like: Suvirve that, biatch!

The Final push (to death) / Cavalry finaly arrives (way too late):
Happens sometimes, when you lost more than a certain ammount of actors (say 50) and have less than a certain ammount of actors left, say 3, a message pops in like "prepare for enemy assault" and a group of enemies (5-10 units) get teleported over you to take your brain out.
If you die, well.. you die. If you live, you get rewarded with one or two dropships of new defensors for your brain (here could pop a message saying "reinforcements are here, a bit late..")

As you dig for gold you fin a subterranean "thing", breaks up, underground units start to die, very few remain, brain lives but may get hp loss, etc.

More ideas to come, good luck sir.

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