Data Realms Fan Forums

Detail Tips
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Author:  Dylanhutch [ Sun Aug 29, 2010 8:37 am ]
Post subject:  Detail Tips

In My last release, PillarsOfDoom, I tried out some detailing techniques. Here they are.

Things you will need to do to make a highly detailed map.
(If you use Gimp, Use the color selecter for steps 3 4 and 5, it is easier)

1. Draw an outline of the map.
2. Fill them in.
3. Draw a THIN layer of topsoil on the top layer of material.
4. Use pencil to draw a jittered line just below the topsoil. (Tablet comes in handy here)
5. Add detail such as small veins of different materials.
6. Anything you want to do to it to finish of.

Does not blend

Soil, Rock
Sand, Dirt

Sand, Soil, Dirt

Sand, Dirt, Topsoil
Rock, Stuff

That is all I can remember, so hope this is usefull.

Attachment: [42.55 KiB]
Downloaded 380 times

The above attachment is the Detail Map parts in the preview, but with no text, and no screenshots.
Preview of what I have made, and how to do it.


It is better to make A highly detailed map and take a month than make 5 low detailed maps in 5 minutes.


Author:  Lizardheim [ Sun Aug 29, 2010 11:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Detail Tutorial

Also, if you shade with the three standard rock kinds, you can archive quite interesting results.

Author:  Dylanhutch [ Mon Aug 30, 2010 3:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Detail Tips

Three rock kinds...

Author:  Lizardheim [ Mon Aug 30, 2010 12:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Detail Tips

DIRT kinds :3

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