Data Realms Fan Forums

Scene making error
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Author:  benjabby [ Thu Apr 01, 2010 5:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Scene making error

Basicly im creating a scene using weegees tutorial.
Ive done everything right but when I try and run it, it gets as far as line 1 of "epic war.ini" (the name of my scene) and it crashes saying

The instuction at 0x0055bae3 referenced memory at 0x00000000. The memory could not be read.

the script is;
AddScene = Scene
PresetName = Epic war

Description = The ronin rebels have set up a small base, far from the hassle of the coalition. all members of "ronin" have arrived there including Steve the brainbot. Everything was fine. until. the sniper spotted an armed skeleton. panic was not raised, untill another, then another, then another. endless waves of zombies! hold then off until a rocket comes to take steve away. (WHY DID WE EVEN BRING HIM!!!)

LocationOnPlanet = Vector
X = 100
Y = 120

Terrain = SLTerrain
CopyOf = epic war.rte/epic war Terrain

AddBackgroundLayer = SceneLayer
CopyOf = Base.rte/Near Raukar
AddBackgroundLayer = SceneLayer
CopyOf = Base.rte/Clouds Layer
AddBackgroundLayer = SceneLayer
CopyOf = Base.rte/Sky Layer

GlobalAcceleration = Vector
X = 0
Y = 20

and it just stops at line 1


If someone could please tell me what is wrong it would be very much apprechiated. thanks

Author:  akblabla [ Mon Apr 05, 2010 7:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Scene making error

try using this instead
AddScene = Scene
   PresetName = Epic war
   Description = The ronin rebels have set up a small base, far from the hassle of the coalition. all members of "ronin" have arrived there including Steve the brainbot. Everything was fine. until. the sniper spotted an armed skeleton. panic was not raised, untill another, then another, then another. endless waves of zombies! hold then off until a rocket comes to take steve away. (WHY DID WE EVEN BRING HIM!!!)
   LocationOnPlanet = Vector
      X = 100
      Y = 120
   Terrain = SLTerrain
      CopyOf = epic war.rte/epic war Terrain
   AddBackgroundLayer = SceneLayer
      CopyOf = Base.rte/Near Raukar
   AddBackgroundLayer = SceneLayer
      CopyOf = Base.rte/Clouds Layer
   AddBackgroundLayer = SceneLayer
      CopyOf = Base.rte/Sky Layer
   GlobalAcceleration = Vector
      X = 0
      Y = 20

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