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 Scene - Underground 
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Post Scene - Underground
One of my scenes is based entirely underground. I have managed to get the background to look right, but when the enemies drop in, they always drop onto the solid ground rather than the hole I made.
I've tried all I can think of including checking Anthill and the like. I thought that it might have been that thing where they don't spawn directly above your brain (I dunno if it's true or not, but I'm NOT looking for someone to tell me), but I moved my brain and still they came onto the solid rock then dug down.

Any suggestions?

Tue Jun 09, 2009 2:56 pm
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Post Re: Scene - Underground
If you're making a campaign scene you can use the areas "LZ Team 1" and "LZ Team 2" to define landing zones.
If you're making a skirmish map then you're out of luck for now. :-(

Tue Jun 09, 2009 3:27 pm
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Post Re: Scene - Underground
Use some Lua to automagically teleport any actors over the ground to the area you defined for them to be.
I imagine it would be something like this.
for actor in MovableMan.Actors do
(tab)if (actor.Pos.X >= (right bound of your hole) or actor.Pos.X <= (left bound of your hole)) and actor.Pos.Y <= 20 then
(tab)(tab)actor.Pos.X = (left bound of your hole) + 10 + (math.random * (right bound  - left bound - 10));

EDIT: You can attach this to whatever pinned MOSRot you like, just make it HitsMOs = 0 and GetsHitByMOs = 0 and place it somewhere out of the way in the scene file.

Tue Jun 09, 2009 3:28 pm
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Post Re: Scene - Underground
You could always edit the activities to have the actors come down without a vehicle. But that might get a bit bothersome if you want to play a normal skirmish.

Tue Jun 09, 2009 3:50 pm
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Post Re: Scene - Underground
Well I sometimes like playing a skirmish with just my controlled units, so I copied the Skirmish activities document and removed all attackers. I could always make another...although it doesn't help when my mod goes public.

Wed Jun 10, 2009 12:05 am
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