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Please, Help me. I'm making a Campaign from a Scene!
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Author:  unsoulwax [ Thu May 07, 2009 5:02 am ]
Post subject:  Please, Help me. I'm making a Campaign from a Scene!

After very many times i've tried, can't put my scene into the Campaign map. :oops:
I want to put a countdown objetive in the mission as well. :P


File comment: Here's my scene. [235.73 KiB]
Downloaded 354 times

Author:  saltydog81 [ Thu May 07, 2009 5:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Please, Help me. I'm making a Campaign from a Scene!

the guy that made the martian mod pack has a mission in campaign you could PM him

Author:  Geti [ Thu May 07, 2009 5:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Please, Help me. I'm making a Campaign from a Scene!

AddActivity = GAScripted
   PresetName = <MISSION NAME HERE>
   SceneName = <SCENE NAME HERE>
   ScriptFile = <SCRIPT PATH HERE>
   InCampaignStage = 1

basically, InCampaignStage. add that to the bottom of your scenes.ini, or make an activities.ini

Author:  unsoulwax [ Fri May 08, 2009 1:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Please, Help me. I'm making a Campaign from a Scene!

Sorry Geti, and I don't Get it!. My RTE don't have script yet. Have you seen my file ?

May someone download my file a do the proper modifications ?

Author:  Disst [ Fri May 08, 2009 1:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Please, Help me. I'm making a Campaign from a Scene!


You cant just come here and say 'halphalp ima noob can u plz make a mission out of my sene so i cn taek all teh creditLOL'.


EDIT: Oh ♥♥♥♥... I forgot about the whole 'crazythin ice' thing...

You might want to edit something more useful into your post next time.
Also, I moved this into Scene Making.

Author:  unsoulwax [ Fri May 08, 2009 7:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Please, Help me. I'm making a Campaign from a Scene!

3POK_PHALE, if you don't want to help me, you don't. I'll not scream in RED anyway.

I don't need the credit, the forum is to share, boy. You don't know what I going to do later, just don't judge me KiD.

Author:  Thoughtprocess [ Fri May 08, 2009 7:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Please, Help me. I'm making a Campaign from a Scene!

Don't listen to PHALE, he's just post grinding.

You don't need a script for the scene to show up on the campaign screen. Like Geti said, add that piece of code he posted (with your necessary changes, of course) to your scene's .ini file. (this is usually scenes.ini, but I don't think that it has to be)

Oh, and for the counting objective you probably will need a Lua script. Some other Lua scenes have timers, check out their code.

Author:  unsoulwax [ Fri May 08, 2009 7:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Please, Help me. I'm making a Campaign from a Scene!

Thoughtprocess wrote:
Don't listen to PHALE, he's just post grinding.

You don't need a script for the scene to show up on the campaign screen. Like Geti said, add that piece of code he posted (with your necessary changes, of course) to your scene's .ini file. (this is usually scenes.ini, but I don't think that it has to be)

Oh, and for the counting objective you probably will need a Lua script. Some other Lua scenes have timers, check out their code.

Ok, I'll try again, but the most of the times get an error or just it don'ts appears on the map. In the case I can't get it, I will post the codes. ThanxYou :P

Author:  unsoulwax [ Sun May 10, 2009 5:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Please, Help me. I'm making a Campaign from a Scene!

Please tell me what I'm doing wrong because I don't know what to do to get the Scene into the campaign map

Index.Ini content:
IncludeFile = PiloK.rte/Terrains.ini
IncludeFile = PiloK.rte/Scenes/Pilok.ini
IncludeFile = PiloK.rte/Activities.ini

Activities.Ini content:
AddActivity = GAScripted
PresetName = PiloK
SceneName = PiloK Scene
InCampaignStage = 1

Terrains.Ini content:
AddTerrain = SLTerrain
PresetName = PiloK Terrain
BitmapFile = ContentFile
Path = PiloK.rte/PiloK.bmp
WrapX = 1
WrapY = 0
ScrollRatio = Vector
X = 1.0
Y = -1.0
BackgroundTexture = ContentFile
Path = Base.rte/Scenes/Textures/DirtDark.bmp
AddTerrainFrosting = TerrainFrosting
TargetMaterial = Material
CopyOf = Topsoil
FrostingMaterial = Material
CopyOf = Grass
MinThickness = 5
MaxThickness = 7
InAirOnly = 1
AddTerrainDebris = TerrainDebris
CopyOf = Gold
AddTerrainDebris = TerrainDebris
CopyOf = Plants
AddTerrainDebris = TerrainDebris
CopyOf = Boulders

PiloK.Ini content in a Scenes folder:
AddScene = Scene
PresetName = PiloK Scene
Description = This is the description.
LocationOnPlanet = Vector
X = 70
Y = -10
Terrain = SLTerrain
CopyOf = PiloK Terrain
PlaceSceneObject = TerrainObject
CopyOf = Hub B
Position = Vector
X = 372
Y = 528
PlaceSceneObject = TerrainObject
CopyOf = Wall
Position = Vector
X = 252
Y = 612
PlaceSceneObject = TerrainObject
CopyOf = End B
Position = Vector
X = 252
Y = 528
AddBackgroundLayer = SceneLayer
CopyOf = Near Layer
AddBackgroundLayer = SceneLayer
CopyOf = Clouds Layer
AddBackgroundLayer = SceneLayer
CopyOf = Sky Layer
AddArea = Area
AddBox = Box
Corner = Vector
X = 324
Y = 289.5
Width = 97
Height = 286
AddBox = Box
Corner = Vector
X = 205
Y = 504
Width = 334
Height = 47
AddBox = Box
Corner = Vector
X = 348.5
Y = 577.5
Width = 47
Height = 34
Name = Bunker Interior
AddArea = Area
AddBox = Box
Corner = Vector
X = 326.5
Y = 289
Width = 92
Height = 70
Name = Brain Chamber
GlobalAcceleration = Vector
X = 0
Y = 20

I have my PiloK.bmp with the terrain in PiloK.rte folder, too.

The StartUP Breaks This Way
RTE Aborted! (x_x) Abortion in file .\managers\presetMan.cpp, line 307, because:
Reading of a preset instance failed

Author:  Thoughtprocess [ Sun May 10, 2009 1:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Please, Help me. I'm making a Campaign from a Scene!

Hmm, since it concerns PresetNames, the only thing I see that may be a problem is the activity, scene, and terrain PresetNames: they're all PiloK. Try changing the terrain name to "PiloK Terrain" and so for the activity or something.

Also I'm gonna see if I can get it to load with a null terrain later, and if it doesn't I'll step through the code until I can find something wrong.

Author:  unsoulwax [ Sun May 10, 2009 4:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Please, Help me. I'm making a Campaign from a Scene!

Thoughtprocess wrote:
Hmm, since it concerns PresetNames, the only thing I see that may be a problem is the activity, scene, and terrain PresetNames: they're all PiloK. Try changing the terrain name to "PiloK Terrain" and so for the activity or something.

Also I'm gonna see if I can get it to load with a null terrain later, and if it doesn't I'll step through the code until I can find something wrong.

Check that I've edited the code post from above, But the Startin'Up Error still appears. :P

Author:  Aspect [ Sun May 10, 2009 7:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Please, Help me. I'm making a Campaign from a Scene!

does terrain.ini load first in your index?

Author:  unsoulwax [ Mon May 11, 2009 2:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Please, Help me. I'm making a Campaign from a Scene!

Aspect wrote:
does terrain.ini load first in your index?

Yes, but when it's in the bottom doesn't work anyway.

If I erase "IncludeFile = PiloK.rte/Activities.ini" in the index.ini file, the game starts but the scene don't appears in the campaign map.

Author:  Aspect [ Mon May 11, 2009 11:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Please, Help me. I'm making a Campaign from a Scene!

that means your "load script file" code was in your activities.ini, and It also tells me that you wrote it incorrectly.

and yes, looking back on your first post I see that is the case. Your GAscripted thing should look like this:
AddActivity = GAScripted
   PresetName = whatevs
   SceneName = whatevs
   ScriptFile = MyMod.rte/whatevsSCRIPT.lua
   LuaClassName = whatevs mission
   InCampaignStage = 1
   TeamCount = 1
   PlayerCount = 1
   TeamOfPlayer1 = 0
   TeamOfPlayer1 = 1

I don't know if that team of stuff is necessary, but it shouldn't hurt to put it in.

Author:  unsoulwax [ Tue May 12, 2009 3:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Please, Help me. I'm making a Campaign from a Scene!

I solved the problem taking a template and replacing the original code with my code. :grin:

But now, I have another Question:

Actually my scene is a warpX terrain, and when the game opens it the sprites and the background moves in diferents sense directions. It's a common problem, I know. I'll search for this in the forum, but if you know what I mean and want to save me a time, I'm all ears! :dead:

Here is the .RTE folder. The LUA file doesn't matter at all, it's a copy of the template for now.

Thanx for the effort PALs.

Mission [9.58 KiB]
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