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 Full Map-A bit more realism-a bit more Enjoyment 
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Post Full Map-A bit more realism-a bit more Enjoyment
Hello Everyone
Okay,let me show you what i exactly mean

When you call an ship to deliver what do you need,it everytime it comes from some of upper level of map,but not seen,where from,ive got idea that map should be higher,and that i mean alot,same as "Citadel" mission...

Simple nub example in image...
File comment: This should be as one,tall map...
Bez názvu.png
Bez názvu.png [ 376.84 KiB | Viewed 21671 times ]

So basically,the map would be alot more enjoyable,this should also bring space wars (that would be absoultely insane to fight,but why not?) also if you want to defeat oposites brain,you have to travel some route to it....i think it would be more realistic addition to CC,and you can coordinate your ships as you want as well,you can load drop pods as you want,they have to pass trought stratosphere,so shields will be now more useful...and alot more fun...

Simple map,nothing special,but had some issues with constructing this one,normal CC map sector and Space was succesfull,but i cant figure out,how to do "Stratosphere" sector,so every actor wich will pass trought this will start burn (i mean just effect of burn with really small amount of damage)

Thanks for reply and reading this,hope you like my idea....
And also thanks for your help..

Sun Aug 19, 2012 3:57 pm
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Post Re: Full Map-A bit more realism-a bit more Enjoyment
Damaged goods = Less money with return.
Your ship would be damaged as it gets "Burned" Through the stratosphere. Then you would have even less money than you started. That's the reason why burn is bad.

Something else, zero gravity kinda kills the feel of actors, because if you do go up that far for some reason, you cannot go down. Your jetpack points down, leading you up. But I get what you're trying to mean, it would be pretty neat to see something like this but it also would take a significant amount of coding if I am not to be corrected. Realism isn't... err... Well.. I can't really say. But usually two dimensional games... I cannot see a space or stratosphere, etc. A boundary where I know if I go any further, I will lose my unit, kinda helps from time to time. Because it would get confusing over time where to stop, else you keep going up and you're gone, -1 actor. If you know what I mean.

Edit: Grammar fixes

Wed Aug 22, 2012 3:56 am
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Post Re: Full Map-A bit more realism-a bit more Enjoyment
An example of a mission where this kind of height is demonstrated is weegee's citadel, though I'm not aware of any gravity or burning shenanigans.

Wed Aug 22, 2012 4:16 am
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Post Re: Full Map-A bit more realism-a bit more Enjoyment
googlex6 wrote:
Damaged goods = Less money with return.
Your ship would be damaged as it gets "Burned" Through the stratosphere. Then you would have even less money than you started. That's the reason why burn is bad.

Something else, zero gravity kinda kills the feel of actors, because if you do go up that far for some reason, you cannot go down. Your jetpack points down, leading you up. But I get what you're trying to mean, it would be pretty neat to see something like this but it also would take a significant amount of coding if I am not to be corrected. Realism isn't... err... Well.. I can't really say. But usually two dimensional games... I cannot see a space or stratosphere, etc. A boundary where I know if I go any further, I will lose my unit, kinda helps from time to time. Because it would get confusing over time where to stop, else you keep going up and you're gone, -1 actor. If you know what I mean.

Edit: Grammar fixes

Well youre right at this point....but to that "burn" souldnt be that strong to penetrate any medium ship (same as real life,try to fire an astronaut into space freely,it will just..burn) i mean stratosphere just as burning effect attached to actual actor,ship shouldnt get damaged as going trought stratosphere...i know,coding...well,that is something that is possible to write...okay not realism,but more enjoyment,some challange...

Thu Aug 23, 2012 3:41 am
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Post Re: Full Map-A bit more realism-a bit more Enjoyment
All I think that needs to be said;

Delivery times.

But to elaborate anyway- Due to low craft speeds, nobody would bother with anything that isn't a drop pod unless they absolutely NEED to fly something back to orbit. The delivery time and chance of getting shot down would both be ridiculously high. Whoever dropped in an array of long-range SAMs first would effectively win, and the only counter would be those few mods with drop pods that can't be knocked off course, teleporter or teleportation delivery systems that simply can't be shot/hit, or remotely targeted fire support components.

Thu Aug 23, 2012 2:00 pm
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Post Re: Full Map-A bit more realism-a bit more Enjoyment
googlex6 wrote:
Damaged goods = Less money with return.
Your ship would be damaged as it gets "Burned" Through the stratosphere. Then you would have even less money than you started. That's the reason why burn is bad.

Something else, zero gravity kinda kills the feel of actors, because if you do go up that far for some reason, you cannot go down. Your jetpack points down, leading you up. But I get what you're trying to mean, it would be pretty neat to see something like this but it also would take a significant amount of coding if I am not to be corrected. Realism isn't... err... Well.. I can't really say. But usually two dimensional games... I cannot see a space or stratosphere, etc. A boundary where I know if I go any further, I will lose my unit, kinda helps from time to time. Because it would get confusing over time where to stop, else you keep going up and you're gone, -1 actor. If you know what I mean.

Edit: Grammar fixes

I think that if you come into the stratosphere in a low velocity (such as the drop ship's one), you wouldn't burn or anything. If it does, then we need to make drop ships tougher.

Tue Oct 09, 2012 9:02 pm

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Post Re: Full Map-A bit more realism-a bit more Enjoyment
Hmmmm...if you're in Space, you will freeze, thats fo sure, so: You will be slower than normal and you WILL get killed in less than 10 seconds. (expect you're heavily armoured)

Mon Dec 10, 2012 7:06 pm
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Post Re: Full Map-A bit more realism-a bit more Enjoyment
I made a 1500x4000 tall/thin map and it's not as nice as I wanted due to delivery times.
It's alongside a 4000x1000 which has enough room for any forts I usually build, and just enough airspace.

Wed Jan 09, 2013 7:01 am

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Post Re: Full Map-A bit more realism-a bit more Enjoyment
any progress? cant you add passable background objects that change the area with effect changing AEMitters with lua or whatever?

like space lowers health without special helmet item or whatever and attaches ice particles on actors or something

the blue area causes powerful downward throw while hitting with fire aemitters

an the other is normal space.....

i dunno.

Sat Jun 01, 2013 2:47 am
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