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Scene crashing on load-up
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Author:  MaGmA [ Thu Aug 28, 2008 2:54 am ]
Post subject:  Scene crashing on load-up

Hello to you. I am in need of some scene help. I know how to survive in modding Cortex Command, but I fear I'm not nearly the best.

So, my scene, (which is named after a famous WWI battle) seems to crash at a random time. After only changing the scene name, and LocationOnPlanet, I started up Cortex and my .rte crashed on line 25. So, naturally, I checked the .ini and saw that line 25 was the reference to the TerrainDebris, specifically Gold. I commented out the 2 lines that turn on Gold, and restarted Cortex. Then, it crashed on line 37, which is

[Tab x3]CopyOf = Mission Template Terrain

(Just started working on the scene, haven't replaced the Instance names yet)

I will attatch the .ini. Experienced scene makers/modders, please look through my shotty coding and, if you can, find the error(s). ... b9a8902bda < fudged up .ini

Author:  Aspect [ Thu Aug 28, 2008 4:43 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Scene crashing on load-up

Ah ha, you named your terrain The Crusade of Mons with the PresetName variable, so switch
CopyOf = Mission Template Terrain
CopyOf = The Crusade of Mons

Author:  MaGmA [ Thu Aug 28, 2008 5:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Scene crashing on load-up

I feel so stupid now... I just realised before I read your post that I had mixed up My SLTerrain CopyOf with my AddScene = Scene PresetName... >_>

Gah, such a simple yet hard to figure out mistake for me..

Thank you though Aspect, for confirming my thoughts.

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