Data Realms Fan Forums

Map texture/material trouble....
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Author:  crazyman56 [ Wed Jun 18, 2008 7:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Map texture/material trouble....

Well a quick note before I get stuck in. I have been registered on here for over a year and have been following CC for a long time before that. However, I have never posted because I have never felt the need to. Now I do. This is because I think that CC needs more maps and I have only just started trying to make maps so no flaming as many others say in their threads but some people never listen.

So my problem is that I am trying to insert my own texture/material but it will not show the texture and also the untextured material in game at the moment is, well, I will try and upload it so you can see :P

And yes to the complainers out there I HAVE coped grasslands because I need to practice. :lol:

Well here is the .bmp file.

File comment: Here is the .bmp map file
Mymap.bmp [ 35.09 KiB | Viewed 2925 times ]

And here is the overall .rte. Which is NOT finished yet and its only called my map cause I am thinking of a proper name.

Mymap.rar [19.94 KiB]
Downloaded 210 times

Well I hope this is a good first impression and I look forward to any helpful replies.

Author:  Lord Tim [ Thu Jun 19, 2008 1:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Map texture/material trouble....

Have you considered perusing my invaluable Tutorial Topic? It's got a bit about custom materials at the end of the scene bits. ... 74#p202674

Author:  crazyman56 [ Thu Jun 19, 2008 9:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Map texture/material trouble....

Sorry for not replying quicker I got a bit caught up.

Well I have yes many times and I understand it all exactly until that final bit on custom materials. I think I have done what you said. (I used Photoshop CS3) but if you download it you can see that it hasn’t worked.

If you could try and diagnose the problem I would be very grateful.

Author:  meloen [ Fri Jun 20, 2008 12:57 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Map texture/material trouble....

here is your problem:
thatstheproblem.jpg [ 141.37 KiB | Viewed 2936 times ]

ur trying to use index number 5 while you colord number 4.
do not color the already colord ones.
another thing when i was looking for the error;
your "Ground/snow" sprite doesent use the 8 bit collor sprite. here is it fixed:
(without this it would endup being purple or green snow)
Snow.rar [6.02 KiB]
Downloaded 201 times

and one more thing, the snow sprite is not looping, but you will notice that once youve got the material fixed.

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