Data Realms Fan Forums

Stealth Weaponry Mod [Sprites Included]
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Author:  Deathy [ Wed Dec 31, 2014 11:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Stealth Weaponry Mod [Sprites Included]

I just made these sprites, maybe someone can find good use in them. They are all silenced weapons so I'm imagining this as a stealth oriented mod.
If somebody does use them, please contact me ;n;

Q: Who is ArmoredDepression?
A: My reddit account.

Gun-sprites.png [3.17 KiB]
Not downloaded yet

Author:  RandomCoderZ [ Thu Jan 29, 2015 2:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Stealth Weaponry Mod [Sprites Included]

This looks more like a topic for the sprite dump. :-(

Author:  Deathy [ Thu Jan 29, 2015 9:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Stealth Weaponry Mod [Sprites Included]

RandomCoderZ wrote:
This looks more like a topic for the sprite dump. :-(

Just saw that thread after posting this :c

Author:  Coops [ Thu Jan 29, 2015 10:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Stealth Weaponry Mod [Sprites Included]

The way the AI is coded in this game is they don't really react to the 'sound' of you firing, but much rather that you are firing. If you're about to fire at someone that doesn't yet notice you, they will react right away whether your weapon is "silenced" or not, as well as you would alert any other nearby enemies. Just from firing your weapon, even if you didn't hit them they'd still be alerted.

The game is hard coded (But correct me if I'm wrong) to the point where you could have an actor who's sprites are nothing to imitate the feeling of being stealthed, but the AI would still see you no matter what.

As much of an aesthetically pleasing concept as it is, there really isn't any functional way to implement any variation of stealth in this game.

Author:  Corpsey [ Thu Jan 29, 2015 11:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Stealth Weaponry Mod [Sprites Included]

The DarkStorm mod had some lua that made stealth possible.. it's too bad he stopped updating it :(

Author:  Major [ Fri Jan 30, 2015 12:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Stealth Weaponry Mod [Sprites Included]

Guns now have "Loudness = 0 - 1". With 0 loudness you can fire off an entire clip point blank and the AI wont notice. The actor you hit will still notice though. Loudness of 1 means the AI will hear it from whatever distance specified in its Lua file. Usually one screen length.

Author:  RandomCoderZ [ Fri Jan 30, 2015 2:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Stealth Weaponry Mod [Sprites Included]

Major wrote:
Guns now have "Loudness = 0 - 1". With 0 loudness you can fire off an entire clip point blank and the AI wont notice. The actor you hit will still notice though. Loudness of 1 means the AI will hear it from whatever distance specified in its Lua file. Usually one screen length.

Is it locked to 1 and 0? Or are there in-betweens? (Like 0.2)

Tell me any other unusual and useful commands is there for actors and guns that might be helpful?

Author:  Asklar [ Fri Jan 30, 2015 4:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Stealth Weaponry Mod [Sprites Included]

Yes, you can use it between 0 and 1, and probably above 1 to increase the range of detection. No idea about negative values. I've used this variable a couple of times, it's pretty nice.

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