Data Realms Fan Forums

Addtogroup lua?
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Author:  Chiko [ Tue Jun 11, 2013 7:10 am ]
Post subject:  Addtogroup lua?

Hello. I have been making stuff for this game and one of those things is a crate.

This particular crate works as a bomb but it will deploy instead of just going boom. Once deployed, it will damage any actor in range that doesn't have AddToGroup = DecayRes in them.

So my request is. I would like to have a lua sample/help for a device that will make the actor carrying it immune to this damage. I would really appreciate help with this since my understanding of lua is a bit limited. :(

Author:  CaveCricket48 [ Mon Jul 15, 2013 8:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Addtogroup lua?

from Wiki wrote:
Shows whether this is or carries a specifically grouped object in its inventory. Also looks through the inventories of potential passengers, as applicable.
The name of the group to look for.
Return value:
Whetehr the object in the group was found carried by this.

So you'd use that to check to see if an actor has an object that is in a specific group, like
   if actor:HasObjectInGroup("Tools") then

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