Data Realms Fan Forums

Tyranid and Chaos Coding Request!
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Author:  ShadowFireLance [ Thu Jun 06, 2013 6:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Tyranid and Chaos Coding Request!

So, This game already has pretty much everything that a guy could want, Mod wise, except for his two favorite Fractions; Chaos Daemons, and Tyranids.

I've got sprites in mind for each of them, and I'm a half-way capable artist, I just suck horribly at code.
I can do any art required for it, just need teh code.
Anyone want to help?

Here is kinda what I need;
1) Small, fast moving, no jetpack runners with claws, Hormagaunts.

2) Small, fast moving, Wings in place of jetpack, and a gun. Gargoyles.

3) Larger then normal sized actors, Jetpack/wings, with (Is it possible?) Two different guns at once? Tyranid Warriors

4) Fast, Really High jump, and larger, Lictors.

5) Annyoingly Hard to kill, durable, Rocket in the face not going to die tough, big, bulky, slow, and no jetpack, just a little jump, Carnifex.

Somewhat weaker, Fast, and flight able, with the ability to carry guns, and claws. (I swear, this is SFW)

Slower then normal, harder to kill, Swords, and Shields?

Small, Slow, really hard to kill, but weak at attack? Like Actual Meatshields?

And the Daemon Princes; Large, Flight Capable, and pre equipped with something like a Power Sword from the Marine pack?

Anyways, if that's too much, can someone tell me?

Whoops, forgot pics.

Author:  Calvarex [ Tue Jul 16, 2013 7:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Tyranid and Chaos Coding Request!

I've considered taking the space marine sprites from one of the several space marine mods to make chaos space marines as I don't think it would be too hard to modify the sprites but anyways good luck on this, if you find someone willing to do the fancy code stuff I may be able to whip up some decent sprites.

Author:  ShadowFireLance [ Wed Jul 24, 2013 7:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Tyranid and Chaos Coding Request!

Actually, If I can get some actual sprites, I'm willing to start ripping and stiching together a code, that is, if i can get sprites, you willing?

Author:  Viperlol [ Wed Jul 31, 2013 8:32 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Tyranid and Chaos Coding Request!

I tried to make a remake of a certain awesome Imperium of man mod, and im willing to send you the sprites I made a while back and gave up on, all I have done is made some helmets, bodies and faces for some blood pact guys.

Author:  Visage [ Mon Jun 02, 2014 12:25 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Tyranid and Chaos Coding Request!

I dunno if you could make things "fast" without making them fly. I suppose they could hover with sparklemagic, but I don't think that would look right :P

Also lawlz on teh topic of Chaos... viewtopic.php?f=75&t=45377

Author:  Sims_Doc [ Mon Jun 02, 2014 5:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Tyranid and Chaos Coding Request!

The things i do for people..

the russian download site that our friends on the russian forums are using still has a active file unlike what is mention on that other thread and i've taken the time to reupload on a temp site for a single month.

- - -

Chaos Space Marines


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