Data Realms Fan Forums

half life mod
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Author:  dijow [ Sun Apr 21, 2013 12:26 am ]
Post subject:  half life mod

can someone make a half life mod??
i mean theres the columbine mod, the HECU mod and the gravity gun mod but i am talking about the weapons (yeah only the weapons) from the original game
Is it possible??

Author:  uberhen [ Sun Apr 21, 2013 1:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: half life mod

Well, if those mods you listed aren't enough, here's an old mod from B20. It's a rather large pack that has all the characters/NPCs from HL2 except Freeman and Alyx, and most of the guns. I couldn't find this one on the forums anywhere, so I converted it for 1.05 and uploaded it to my mediafire.

Here you go.

I was actually planning on remaking this pack, pulling together all the other Half-Life stuff I could find on these forums and putting it into one big mod. I might do it once my DayZ mod is completed.

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