Data Realms Fan Forums

"A must-have" for this game...
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Author:  RuldolfHess [ Sat Apr 13, 2013 11:47 pm ]
Post subject:  "A must-have" for this game...

Hi!It my first post there,so...Don't get angry on me if I uppset you all with something,but I have some skins/mods request:
-First of all,I was wondering if you guys can make a real Adolf Hitler skin for Wehrmacht/Axis mod or separately?If you can't do his skin,I'll be pleasured if you could make some historically characters for this game(like Joshep Stalin,Charles de Gaulle,Muammar Gaddafi,etc.)or at least a skin for V(Vendetta)/Guy Fawkes.That's seems to be pathetically,but I want only to have some fun with this game.
-Second,what about a mod where you can make some traps for your bunker and you can control them(like SAW or something like that)?
-Third,could you folks make a mod where you can regenerate your body or even your corpse?
-And fourth,I really want to replay my moments in this game,can you guys make a tool for that(if isn't already in this game)

P.S:If you can solve one request from this list,tell me when it will be ready and if you can do it properly!

Author:  FatZombie [ Mon Apr 15, 2013 7:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: "A must-have" for this game...

The "Remnants of the Mu-Ilaak" mod allows your dead Mu-Ilaak troops to come back as an acrab (yes, that's what it's called). If the acrab is standing near a dead Mu-Ilaak body, or the remnants of it, it will rebuild itself as a full Mu-Ilaak troop that has nothing.

Author:  Chronometer [ Tue Apr 16, 2013 7:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: "A must-have" for this game...

I'd just like to say that you'd better get learning Lua and C++ fast because no one will do this in their spare time.
Unless you get money that is. If I get corrected the universe shall implode.

Author:  Mackerel [ Tue Apr 16, 2013 8:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: "A must-have" for this game...

I can already tell you're going to be an absolute joy to have around here.

Author:  FatZombie [ Sat Apr 20, 2013 10:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: "A must-have" for this game...

Dang Banelings and their ability to explode.... I hope they don't have that strain that allows them to jump over cliffs like the Zergling's Raptor strain.

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