Data Realms Fan Forums

B2 Brawler
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Author:  Sly-UX1XN [ Sun Feb 10, 2013 3:26 am ]
Post subject:  B2 Brawler

This would be perfect ingame, if each leg had a usable grappling hook, and the normal body is the exact same just a floating crab would be where the brain is, can anyone do this?

Author:  Chronometer [ Wed Feb 27, 2013 1:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: B2 Brawler

Sly-UX1XN wrote:

This would be perfect ingame, if each leg had a usable grappling hook, and the normal body is the exact same just a floating crab would be where the brain is, can anyone do this?

It's not exactly just a "Floating Crab".
You'd have to rewrite some things, and give it a built in weapon I'm guessing.
It is a good idea but it'll take hard work for someone to make it good.

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