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 The Cordyc: 8th Strain? 
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Post The Cordyc: 8th Strain?
Remember the Cordyc mod made by carriontrooper a good deal of time ago?

carriontrooper wrote:
I think I'm done for this mod, it's got all it needs to be an unique faction. I didn't make a gold-digger for them because I wanted for them to get resources when they successfully infect other actors, in order to make a different playstyle. And the Mother Node, which is also a brain, can already make puppets and crawlers, something the Mobile Progenitor Node also does. Turrets (AKA sentry) can be evolved from crawlers.

As for the headshot thingy... well, the Cordyc is all about infestation, and if the seed isn't fast enough, they won't infect as effectively as the current one. So, when using Cordyc, aim carefully, aim for the body, and hunt for actors to get more resources. Besides, successful infestations creates another actor, and sometimes using the Baloon Puppet you can get bonuses. As in a 5-in-1 deal or something like that.

As for the Biogas Jetpack... well, feel free to mod this mod! If it's good enough, I'll put it in the pack, but otherwise, I'm not working on this mod any more.

You did a good job there, man, but the Cordyc got extremely laggy in 1.0 due to the kinda-ancient lua (from my understanding) and there are quite a few factors that I (and others that enjoyed the mod) would LOVE to see fixed/implemented/addressed.

Rewrite/Update the infestation system. - I am not asking anyone to reinvent the wheel here (well, I kind of am, tbh), but 1.0 very much made the mod unplayable (or at least - really painful to play).

Give the Puppets some better mobility. - as much as I understand that only Balloon Puppets were intended to be able to fly, the lack of ability to fly or at least hover by the normal Puppets really DOES hurt. (especially if there are ladders on the way). Biogas jetpack was one of the ideas in the previous thread.

Implement pie-menu support for the evolutions (and spawning). - self-explanatory. Carrion wanted to do it back then, but...Yea. (Doesn't seem like THAT much of a problem, but I never coded anything, so don't quote me on that.)

A mobile brain? - Not really anything too crucial, but neither node (that is considered a brain) is able to move, so... (it doesn't need to be able to spawn more stuff, though.)

I don't expect anyone to pick it up instantly after seeing this thread and uploading it the day after, but maybe as a side (or not) project?
I would do it myself, but my programming skills are literally zero, so I doubt it would work. And even if I could script in a few simple weapons or actors, rewriting the infestation code would still be out of the realm of my possibilities...

As mentioned before, anyone who does want to work on this can feel free to use carrion's already existing code to mess around with.

Mon Dec 10, 2012 5:50 pm
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Post Re: The Cordyc: 8th Strain?
Well, I think the lag is coming from pre-1.0 AI I slapped on the puppets. I've been out from Lua-ing so long that I don't know how to fix it.

That said, I give permission for anyone to fiddle with the code and stuff to make Cordyc's 8th strain. I might do some sprites when I'm free (and if sprites are needed anyways).

Wed Dec 12, 2012 5:17 pm
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Post Re: The Cordyc: 8th Strain?
I'd enjoy an updated version, I loved acting like zombies, sort of with the cordyc, and that's not happening with the lag. I'd update myself, but lua. No. I'm java guy.

Mon Dec 24, 2012 6:23 am
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Post Re: The Cordyc: 8th Strain?
Bringing this up again for justice and in hope someone picks it up.
If for nothing else than the fact there's just not a single alternative to Cordyc at the moment, which I find kind of sad.

Wed May 22, 2013 6:31 am

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Post Re: The Cordyc: 8th Strain?
I have found out that the files causeing the lag are the crab upgrade lua and the puppet upgrade lua and of course their -gpad counterparts.
They are located in the sparkle magic folder and it seems that if you delete them it fixes the lag. But it also breaks the crab and puppet actors ability to mutate or transform while in battle. which means that you cannot use the armored crab, floaters, or exploding puppet actors .ect .I myself have no ability to script lua at all so i cannot fix the lua files myself but i figured it works as a patch right now if you really want to use them like me.

Sat Dec 14, 2013 2:17 pm

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Post Re: The Cordyc: 8th Strain?
Well, I managed to get rid of some of the lag, but its still pretty bad once you get more than 20 Cordyc guys, There is something wrong with the Turret AI, its the crabs specifically that are broken.

Fri Feb 14, 2014 1:39 pm

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Post Re: The Cordyc: 8th Strain?
The Armored crabs have too many bugs in there code for me to figure out what it is since I am litterally just using the console and changing what it says is broken, now it trys to tell me that coroutine.create isn't a lua function. :???:

Fri Feb 14, 2014 6:04 pm

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Post Re: The Cordyc: 8th Strain?
well that sucks guess you would need to rewrite the lua for the crabs completely to get it working correctly now.

Sun Mar 16, 2014 1:10 am
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