Data Realms Fan Forums

Changing SupportOffset with LUA?
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Author:  Magmacow358 [ Fri Jun 10, 2016 3:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Changing SupportOffset with LUA?

Is it possible to change the support hand position on a gun through LUA? I'm trying to make a shotgun with a pump animation, and while I managed to get the pump itself to animate with some hacky timer / attachment shenanigans, it looks a bit lame if the support hand doesn't move with it.

Author:  4zK [ Fri Jun 10, 2016 4:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Changing SupportOffset with LUA?

Support offsets are read-only, at least according to the wiki.

However, I've managed to come up with a neat way to achieve such animation, which involves changing the RotAngle of the weapon.

Take a look at my modified Ronin faction, feel free to use the script I made for the pump shotgun, just include proper credit if you publish your mod.

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