Data Realms Fan Forums

Script Dump
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Author:  Arcalane [ Fri May 15, 2015 2:11 am ]
Post subject:  Script Dump

I noticed we have one for sprites, but not scripts. So I'll get us started with a couple of things I have lying around-

Improved Spin-Up/Down Mechanics
Written for me by Cave, used on the Brotherhood's Confessor and Cyborg Gatling.

Attached to the weapon, this script steps the weapon RPM up/down over time to give a more 'classic' ramping effect than the simple hold-to-start delay system currently used by some Coalition gatlings. Should be used with per-shot firing sounds rather than a loop, for obvious reasons.

Variable Zoom Scope
By Mehman.

This script, attached to the weapon, permits smooth scaling of sharpaim level. Very useful for sniper weapons.

ID-Locked Weapon
Maybe from SAW?

This simple weapon-based script forces any mismatching actor to drop it. In the following example, any actor that has a presetname other than 'GDI Commando' cannot use the weapon, as they'll drop it as soon as they pick it up. This is also used to make sure that non-cyborgs can't use the Cyborg Gatling and Cyborg Commando Plasma Gun.

Smooth Glow-Trail
Various Authors

Ever hated how fast-moving objects with glow-based trails can be ugly, blobby, and/or inconsistent? Look no further! This projectile-based script causes the weapon to emit a much smoother trail - it first saw use on the 40K plasma weapons, and was later used (with tweaks) in my AEON Technologies Arsenal pack. It is also used on the Cyborg Commando Plasma Cannon, Man-Portable Railgun, Hawkeye Sniper Rifle, and others.

Simply change the particle called by CreateMOPixel and the '2' after "for i = 1, trailLength," in order to adjust both the effect you get and the actual length of the trail. If you want a more dispersing trail, you can uncomment the Effect.Vel line (remove the --) and adjust the various math.random and RangeRand variables.

Note that because this script makes a lot of glow particles it can reduce FPS on lower-end systems, so use it sparingly. Works nice for 'special' weapons, or maybe for your tracer rounds.

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