Re: Damage-over-Time Effects?
Yeah Cave, I did do that but not as fancy as you did, mine looks like
self.inflictedWound = CreateAEmitter(self.criticalFleshWound,"HSWeapons.rte")
self.inflictedWound.RotAngle = self.FireAngle+3.1415926535
But they displayed horizontally all the time.
And Arcalane, my implementation was somewhat OP because I'm really bad at making ini wounds. I designed it thinking about the whole issue of "how can a .50 cal sniper shot deal the same wound as single shotgun pellet". In that way, "small caliber" guns wouldn't deal wounds but they would deal low ammount of damage to the actor, and if they scored a critical hit, they would deal a wound that wouldn't gib limbs, while heavy caliber things would normally deal wounds and on critical hits they would do critical wounds that would deal buttloads of damage. Again, my wounds were pretty crappy so it did work funny (wounds dealt damage very slowly overtime, lasting almost 3 times longer than the vanilla wounds while dealing the exact same damage, with criticals operating the same but with beefed up numbers).
Of course this negates all and any armor that actors may have because the wound depends on the weapon, not the actor. Indeed, it's very complicated to change this wound mechanics without doing a complete overhaul of the game, so this isn't meant as that, mostly just as a proof of concept for fun stuff.
It's pretty fun, and I was doing it with the idea of making a proper healer that would detach the wounds or something, though I didn't get to it because I got too busy with school. It was fun on a scene I made that made the AI spawn with those weapons.
I'm going to test if it works in the current build, and if it does I could upload it so you guys can fiddle with it and have fun.
Here it is. It works just as I remember, except for couple of details (forgot to make it work for other teams other than team 1, easy fix but not much time now).
It's mostly a proof of concept, so some things behave wierdly (helmets getting flesh wounds for example) but that's pretty much it. With properly made wounds and a couple of details fixed this could turn out to be much better as a finished product.