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What do these do?
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Author:  JayTasslehoff [ Sat Nov 17, 2012 8:15 pm ]
Post subject:  What do these do?

I've mastered the layout of the Ronin folder.

However, I have no idea what these lua functions do?

I see them in the ArmorA-F lua scripts and they all look similar

That. What are these? I have an idea but I just want to know the answer.

In fact, now that I look back

This function right here, what does this do? I feel as if these functions are being unused, am I incorrect in this assumption?

Thank you.

Author:  Technomancer [ Sat Nov 17, 2012 9:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What do these do?

If you look in RoninSolider.ini at the helmet attachables and heavy chest plate B you'll find the scripts apply to them.
Presumably it's involved in the randomization for which large armor / head pieces they get. the script is basically stopped when they have a sharpness of not 0, which I assume occurs initially when pieces are being decided. Then, if their sharpness is a certain value, ie 1 through 6 as seen in the scripts ArmorA-F, then the attachable is given mass, otherwise it is deleted.
If you look at the ronin heavy, you'll notice it starts off with all the helmets attached, and then on spawn is given a sharpness (sharpness is set through body.lua). This sharpness then results in all the non-matching helmet pieces being deleted, with the one remaining gaining mass and sticking around.

Author:  JayTasslehoff [ Sun Nov 18, 2012 7:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What do these do?

Technomancer wrote:
If you look in RoninSolider.ini at the helmet attachables and heavy chest plate B you'll find the scripts apply to them.
Presumably it's involved in the randomization for which large armor / head pieces they get. the script is basically stopped when they have a sharpness of not 0, which I assume occurs initially when pieces are being decided. Then, if their sharpness is a certain value, ie 1 through 6 as seen in the scripts ArmorA-F, then the attachable is given mass, otherwise it is deleted.
If you look at the ronin heavy, you'll notice it starts off with all the helmets attached, and then on spawn is given a sharpness (sharpness is set through body.lua). This sharpness then results in all the non-matching helmet pieces being deleted, with the one remaining gaining mass and sticking around.

ah ok, I understand now.

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