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Shooting ObstacleRay straight up
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Author:  Djinn [ Wed Oct 03, 2012 8:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Shooting ObstacleRay straight up

Man this should be super easy but I cannot find an answer to this - I want something to activate upon detecting a ceiling 5 or so pixels above it. So what I'm looking for is the code to first cast the ray, and second to actually place in the if statement. Any help is appreciated.

Author:  Sallen [ Wed Oct 03, 2012 9:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Shooting ObstacleRay straight up

From here:

What you need to do is something like:
self.startPos = Vector(120, 422); -- This is from where you start casting the ray. It could be self.Pos for an Actor, etc.
self.collisionPos = Vector(0,0);
self.preCollisionPos = Vector(0,0);
SceneMan:CastObstacleRay(self.startPos, Vector(0, -5), self.collisionPos, self.preCollisionPos, 0, -1, 0, 1);

After that, if self.collisionPos is different from Vector(0,0), that means the ray encountered an obstacle (and self.collisionPos contains the coordinates of the obstacle). So:
if self.collisionPos ~= Vector(0, 0) then
    -- do stuff

I haven't tested any of this, so I may have something wrong. The basic idea still holds though. If you have more questions please try to be specific.

Author:  Djinn [ Wed Oct 03, 2012 11:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Shooting ObstacleRay straight up

Sallen wrote:
From here:

What you need to do is something like:
self.startPos = Vector(120, 422); -- This is from where you start casting the ray. It could be self.Pos for an Actor, etc.
self.collisionPos = Vector(0,0);
self.preCollisionPos = Vector(0,0);
SceneMan:CastObstacleRay(self.startPos, Vector(0, -5), self.collisionPos, self.preCollisionPos, 0, -1, 0, 1);

After that, if self.collisionPos is different from Vector(0,0), that means the ray encountered an obstacle (and self.collisionPos contains the coordinates of the obstacle). So:
if self.collisionPos ~= Vector(0, 0) then
    -- do stuff

I haven't tested any of this, so I may have something wrong. The basic idea still holds though. If you have more questions please try to be specific.

Hi, thanks for your help. I put the code in and it seems to work - at least, no errors, and the effect properly happens when it's against a ceiling. However, it ALSO happens when it's not touching the ceiling.

function Create(self)
   self.LifeTimer = Timer();

function Update(self)
   self.ToSettle = false;
   self.startPos = self.Pos; -- This is from where you start casting the ray. It could be self.Pos for an Actor, etc.
   self.collisionPos = Vector(0,0);
   self.preCollisionPos = Vector(0,0);
   SceneMan:CastObstacleRay(self.startPos, Vector(0, -5), self.collisionPos, self.preCollisionPos, 0, -1, 0, 1);
   if self.LifeTimer:IsPastSimMS(4000) and self.collisionPos ~= Vector(0,0) then
      self.ToDelete = true;
      local createmissile = CreateMOSRotating("Orange Bush","Xenobiology.rte")
      createmissile.Pos = self.Pos;


Code is as follows, and I frankly don't know enough about ObstacleRays to correct the issue. Any ideas?

Author:  Technomancer [ Thu Oct 04, 2012 6:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Shooting ObstacleRay straight up

   local obsray = SceneMan:CastObstacleRay(self.Pos,Vector(0,-7),Vector(),Vector(),self.ID,self.Team,0,0);
   if self.LifeTimer:IsPastSimMS(4000) and obsray <= 5 and obsray > 0 then
      self.ToDelete = true;
      local createmissile = CreateMOSRotating("Orange Bush","Xenobiology.rte")
      createmissile.Pos = self.Pos;

Should work. For this case you probably don't need the collision pos or the pre-collision pos vectors. Will also ignore itself and MOs on its team when casting, change the self.ID and self.Team back if you don't want that.

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