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 Big Object Function dump (No Objects attached however) 
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Joined: Thu Aug 21, 2008 2:19 am
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Post Big Object Function dump (No Objects attached however)
Well, after trials and turbulation, I figured out how to get Object functions out of the userdata objects Luabind likes to use.

Basicly, I used debug.getregistry(), and then looped through everything in the registry. All the Object functions were dumped out, however, the Objects they were part of did not. (Warning, 2500+ lines of text) (Updated with the Forever link)

Soo, i need some help trying to figure out what group of functions belong to what object. What I'm seeing though, is that some things are coming in triplits, eg: Userdata (the object), Table, Table. Both tables seem to hold the same functions, so, what I'm assuming is that they are part of the Userdata one step up. You can see this pattern through most of the code.

EDIT: Ignore Tables 1-7 though, those are the metatables for the different types, they are Lua standard. Also, you can ignore any table filled with "__whatever function" because those are metatables, and I don't know what they belong to (except for the first 7 tables).


Ok, Tables 150 - 152 are the ConsoleMan Object. Data posted it and its members, so we know that. Tables 108-110 are the Timer object's functions (99.99% sure on that, but untested).

EDIT3: I believe tables 32-107 are the Actor object and its Derived members (AHuman, ACDropship, ACrab...etc) Not too sure about that, but, they may.

EDIT4: Looks like tables 8 and 9 are the Vector class, and it comes complete with metamethods too. Yay adding and subtracting vectors!

EDITAgain: Methinks I found SceneMan's FrameMan's functions, Tables 114 - 116

Last edited by MadKylegar on Thu Oct 02, 2008 6:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Tue Aug 26, 2008 5:06 am
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Post Re: Big Object Function dump (No Objects attached however)
Neat neat neat neat.

"IsInGroup" Neat.

"AttachEmitter" Neat.

"Attach","Detach" Neat.

"SetAimAngle" Neat.

"ResetRTE" Also neat.

"DrawLine" Super neat.

#124: Effing neattastic supreme.

Tue Aug 26, 2008 8:11 am
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Post Re: Big Object Function dump (No Objects attached however)
Wait, ResetRTE, does it actually reset RTEs? Because that would be ultrausefuls for modders testing their stuff.

(I don't have time to test it now, sorreh, would've tested it myself)

Tue Aug 26, 2008 7:19 pm

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Post Re: Big Object Function dump (No Objects attached however)
I'm not sure, I tried it, noticed it was running silent, and IsResettingRTEs() returned true, but I never tested if it actually reset the RTEs or not.

Wed Aug 27, 2008 2:04 am
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Post Re: Big Object Function dump (No Objects attached however)
You deserve a medal for this. I'll be sure to photoshop you one eventually.

Wed Aug 27, 2008 2:14 am
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Post Re: Big Object Function dump (No Objects attached however)
Kylegar used something along the lines of--

for k,v in pairs(debug.getregistry(_G)) do if k < 100 then for a,b in pairs(debug.getregistry(v)) do print("We are on _G index: "..k); print(v); print("Key we are on at that value: "..a); prin(b); end end end

I'm not sure if he went through each table individually and combined them together manually, or what. I'm not sure if it's possible to do all 162 tables at once without CC just staying frozen, or if it'll actually produce a result after a while. I let it sit for ~30 minutes on a 3.0ghz dual core E8400 wolfdale. Nothing. I'll let it sit for 12 hours tomorrow, maybe that'll produce a result. Since I won't be here, I can set the priority to high too. Hopefully that will give us something.

I do know that we'll need this back though, and I doubt kylegar will separate from Conna long enough to re-post it.

Oh and by the way look what I found.

PRINT: CreateMOSParticle
PRINT: function: 02D2A758
PRINT: tostring
PRINT: function: 02D28EA0
PRINT: ToTDExplosive
PRINT: function: 02D2AE58
PRINT: ToHDFirearm
PRINT: function: 02D2AD58
PRINT: debug
PRINT: table: 02D2E060
PRINT: assert
PRINT: function: 02D28A80
PRINT: tonumber
PRINT: function: 02D28E80
PRINT: ConsoleManager
PRINT: userdata: 02C91630
PRINT: CreateAHuman
PRINT: function: 02D2AA58
PRINT: load
PRINT: function: 02D28C20
PRINT: CreateHDFirearm
PRINT: function: 02D2AD18
PRINT: function: 02D2AA18
PRINT: ToAEmitter
PRINT: function: 02D2A918
PRINT: userdata: 02C4D580
PRINT: coroutine
PRINT: table: 02D29398
PRINT: ThrownDevice
PRINT: userdata: 02C8FCB0
PRINT: PresetMan

Mon Sep 29, 2008 5:24 am

Joined: Thu Aug 21, 2008 2:19 am
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Post Re: Big Object Function dump (No Objects attached however)
Daman wrote:
for k,v in pairs(debug.getregistry(_G)) do if k < 100 then for a,b in pairs(debug.getregistry(v)) do print("We are on _G index: "..k); print(v); print("Key we are on at that value: "..a); prin(b); end end end

Nope, Try again. (Hint: A little less thought out)

I do know that we'll need this back though, and I doubt kylegar will separate from Conna long enough to re-post it.

hahahaha what?

Oh and by the way look what I found.

PRINT: CreateMOSParticle
PRINT: function: 02D2A758
PRINT: tostring
PRINT: function: 02D28EA0
PRINT: ToTDExplosive
PRINT: function: 02D2AE58
PRINT: ToHDFirearm
PRINT: function: 02D2AD58
PRINT: debug
PRINT: table: 02D2E060
PRINT: assert
PRINT: function: 02D28A80
PRINT: tonumber
PRINT: function: 02D28E80
PRINT: ConsoleManager
PRINT: userdata: 02C91630
PRINT: CreateAHuman
PRINT: function: 02D2AA58
PRINT: load
PRINT: function: 02D28C20
PRINT: CreateHDFirearm
PRINT: function: 02D2AD18
PRINT: function: 02D2AA18
PRINT: ToAEmitter
PRINT: function: 02D2A918
PRINT: userdata: 02C4D580
PRINT: coroutine
PRINT: table: 02D29398
PRINT: ThrownDevice
PRINT: userdata: 02C8FCB0
PRINT: PresetMan

Already knew those, LordTim dumped _G about 20 min after b21 was released (Remember the copypasta code from Gmod? Yea, that was dumping _G).

Also, I set it to forever this time on Pastebin:

Thu Oct 02, 2008 6:48 pm
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Post Re: Big Object Function dump (No Objects attached however)
MadKylegar wrote:
Daman wrote:
for k,v in pairs(debug.getregistry(_G)) do if k < 100 then for a,b in pairs(debug.getregistry(v)) do print("We are on _G index: "..k); print(v); print("Key we are on at that value: "..a); prin(b); end end end

Nope, Try again. (Hint: A little less thought out)

I do know that we'll need this back though, and I doubt kylegar will separate from Conna long enough to re-post it.

hahahaha what?

Oh and by the way look what I found.

Already knew those, LordTim dumped _G about 20 min after b21 was released (Remember the copypasta code from Gmod? Yea, that was dumping _G).

Also, I set it to forever this time on Pastebin:

Hooray! You are a good person.

Thu Oct 02, 2008 9:29 pm
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Post Re: Big Object Function dump (No Objects attached however)
MadKylegar wrote:
Already knew those, LordTim dumped _G about 20 min after b21 was released (Remember the copypasta code from Gmod? Yea, that was dumping _G).

Completely bullshitting, as there are things in there that were never mentioned anywhere. A++ try.


Also, it seems you're under the impression I haven't already done this(See: The look what I found part). I did it when LordTim first asked(As your link went dead), but tim left and refused to just go get you to help him as I had better stuff to do. So I figured fu­ck that, I'm not posting anything if he's going to be useless and lazy like that.

for k,v in pairs(debug.getregistry()) do print(k); print(v); if (type(v) == "table") then for a,b in pairs(v) do if (type(b) == "function") then print(a); end end end end

Fri Oct 03, 2008 11:20 am

Joined: Thu Aug 21, 2008 2:19 am
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Post Re: Big Object Function dump (No Objects attached however)
Daman wrote:
MadKylegar wrote:
Already knew those, LordTim dumped _G about 20 min after b21 was released (Remember the copypasta code from Gmod? Yea, that was dumping _G).

Completely bullshitting, as there are things in there that were never mentioned anywhere. A++ try.

Wrong again my friend.

EDIT: Also: (Look at the _G functions)

Also, it seems you're under the impression I haven't already done this(See: The look what I found part). I did it when LordTim first asked(As your link went dead), but tim left and refused to just go get you to help him as I had better stuff to do. So I figured fu­ck that, I'm not posting anything if he's going to be useless and lazy like that.

I just did it first when you said that it wasn't possible.

Sat Oct 04, 2008 11:59 pm
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Post Re: Big Object Function dump (No Objects attached however)
MadKylegar wrote:
Daman wrote:
MadKylegar wrote:
Already knew those, LordTim dumped _G about 20 min after b21 was released (Remember the copypasta code from Gmod? Yea, that was dumping _G).

Completely bullshitting, as there are things in there that were never mentioned anywhere. A++ try.

Wrong again my friend.

EDIT: Also: (Look at the _G functions)

Wrong, PresetMan wasn't mentioned anywhere.

I'll just ignore the second part :-o for you(I won't even quote it :-P ). Please feel free to re-read the entire topic :roll: :?

Sun Oct 05, 2008 3:51 am
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