I'm not a coder. I can read it somewhat, but ask me to write it from scratch and I won't do diddly. So I got to editing the klone soccer lua thing. When I try to start it up it fails in like 6 different ways.
SYSTEM: Scene "Murder Cavern" was loaded
ERROR: Could not find the requested Scene Area named: LZ Team 1
ERROR: Could not find the requested Scene Area named: Landing Zone
ERROR: Could not find the requested Scene Area named: LZ Team 2
ERROR: Could not find the requested Scene Area named: Landing Zone
ERROR: [string "2MurderCavern = ToGameActivity(ActivityMan:GetActivity());"]:1: malformed number near '2MurderCavern'
ERROR: Activity "Murder Cavern" was NOT started due to errors!
ERROR: [string "if 2MurderCavern.PauseActivity then 2MurderCavern:PauseActivity..."]:1: malformed number near '2MurderCavern'
SYSTEM: Activity "Murder Cavern" was paused
ok. So I think It's a problem with the naming, but I'm really confused because I have no clue what a malformed number is, and I don't request any of those scene areas. The non-working mod is attached if you feel compelled to fix it.
and btw, thank you data for the console dump, typing all that out would be an effing pain