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 Putting Actors In the Game with Lua 
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Post Putting Actors In the Game with Lua
This is a tutorial on how to place actors with the Console. If you are reading it, read it thoroughly to prevent mistakes. Capitalization is extremely important.

The generic code is like this:
<variablename> = CreateActor( "<presetname in INI file>" , "<Mod .rte, can leave blank to look in all folders>")

So, to add a Light Soldier (in ram, I'll discuss plopping it ingame later) , you would logically have to do this:

myActor = CreateActor( "Soldier Light" , "Base.rte" )

However, this does not work because a Soldier is an AHuman. So you do this instead;

myActor = CreateAHuman( "Soldier Light" , "Base.rte" )

Does that mean to place him in game, all you have to do is this?

Not yet! We haven't given him any X Y co-ordinates yet! To do that, we write this:

myPos = Vector()

This sets up a vector for X,Y positioning.

This will set the X and Y co-ordinates to somewhere in the sky, on the tutorial map, this places him in the little valley area with the crab.

myActor.Pos = myPos

Now to set the team.
myActor.Team = 0 (for player one)

Then we can do this:


Tadaah! You've just made an actor and placed him! You can repeat the last command to place a copy of him as many times as you want. I'll figure out other stuff later.

I'll try and get a gif of this in action if you want, but you have my guarantee, this works.

Last edited by robowurmz on Sat Aug 23, 2008 8:35 pm, edited 4 times in total.

Sat Aug 23, 2008 8:09 pm
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Post Re: Putting Actors In the Game with Lua
Oh you are cool.

Sat Aug 23, 2008 8:24 pm
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Post Re: Putting Actors In the Game with Lua
These exact commands in this order, just to make it completely clear.
myActor = CreateAHuman( "Soldier Light" , "Base.rte" )
myPos = Vector()
myActor.Pos = myPos
myActor.Team = 0

Anywho, pretty cool.

I wonder if there's any combination of commands that can add a certain device to the selected actor's inventory?

Or to pause and unpause the game, without exiting to the menu.

Sat Aug 23, 2008 9:10 pm

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Post Re: Putting Actors In the Game with Lua
This command might work:
myWeapon = CreateHDFirearm("Pistol")

And then this one:

These commands must be done before spawning.

Sat Aug 23, 2008 9:13 pm
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Post Re: Putting Actors In the Game with Lua
Apparently not, unless I did something wrong.

Hard to tell with the minuscule text.

Sat Aug 23, 2008 9:24 pm

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Post Re: Putting Actors In the Game with Lua

PS: Post threads like this in the lua section next time.

Sat Aug 23, 2008 9:32 pm
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Post Re: Putting Actors In the Game with Lua
And how do I pause the game without the menu coming up, and how do I gib an actor/add to it's velocity?

Sat Aug 23, 2008 9:38 pm

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Post Re: Putting Actors In the Game with Lua
The Fat Sand Rat wrote:
And how do I pause the game without the menu coming up, and how do I gib an actor/add to it's velocity?

To gib an actor, I think you'll have to do something like this:

myGibActor = MovableMan:GetMOFromID(<i.d of MO object>)

Where the ID is the number of a unit: i think it's in order of spawning.

Then, you do this:

myGibActor.Vel = Vector(100, 0)

Where those two variables are the X and the Y speed in Metres Per Second.

To sum up, this code creates a new variable called myGibActor and assigns a living actor to it. Then the living actor's stuff can be edited.

Sat Aug 23, 2008 9:50 pm
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Post Re: Putting Actors In the Game with Lua
Damn, we don't have lua on bunkermodules yet. Otherwise I'd be doing tons of stuff.

Sat Aug 23, 2008 10:59 pm
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