Data Realms Fan Forums

Steam workshop upload/download not functioning.
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Author:  SharpenedOnTheDawn [ Sun Apr 20, 2014 10:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Steam workshop upload/download not functioning.

as far as I can tell my steam game should be up to date(squad firing, more map options, brain vs brain, achivments etc. are all functional), however items subscribed to on the workshop are not usable and the option in the game editor menu to upload mods is non existent.
i have uninstalled and re-installed multiple times to no avail.
anyone else having this issue?

Author:  scrdest [ Mon May 19, 2014 10:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Steam workshop upload/download not functioning.

I have the same issue, so I figured I wouldn't start a new thread for it.

I *could* download a couple of mods, but the problem is after a single 'batch' of mods I subscribed to at once, it stopped downloading new ones. I somehow managed to get it to download new ones, but now it happened again.

Author:  Sims_Doc [ Mon May 19, 2014 10:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Steam workshop upload/download not functioning.

Usually what happens for me when downloading a new mod the game will have to be reset until the workshop part works because its bugged out.. after that you'll see downloading in start up loading screen after which the mod will be in your game.

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