"Checking for data modules we subscribed" Cannot launch game
It was working perfectly yesterday. I come back today and hen proceed to add 3 more steam workshop mods to the game and wait for them to be downloaded. I run the game and it will not load. "Checking for Data Modules that we either subscribed to or published on Steam..."
After that, I unsubscribed from the 3 new mods I added, and it refused to load. I then unsubscribe from every single workshop mod for it, and then try again. Nothing. So I then verify game cache, launch, same old thing. Then I delete the local game content which failed to work. As a last attempt, I go into /steamapps/common/cortex command/ and delete everything and redownload it. Same thing.
I do not understand if this is a random compatability issue, however I believe I have tried everything possible and I come back with the error of workshop mods.