Data Realms Fan Forums

Failed to load datafile and object
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Author:  Splat1125 [ Sun Nov 18, 2012 2:41 am ]
Post subject:  Failed to load datafile and object

This error message appeared when I try to open cortex command:

Failed to load datafile and object with the following path and name:


And the last frame is just the usual stuff but it was in the middle of reading an .ini
I had installed the SAW faction, and I tried to open up cortex command.
I tried all the techniques but nothing worked and I checked for the Null file, and it was there.
No idea what happened to it and I tried 5 times and it still didn't work. :x
I really hope someone knows how to fix this!
By the way, I'm running on a macintosh.
Splat out.

Author:  Corky [ Fri Nov 23, 2012 7:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Failed to load datafile and object

Just fixed it for myself, kudos to this person:
Technomancer wrote:
There is, in fact, a single backslash in GLUD.ini. That's the only thing stopping this version working on macs. Just fixed it and it started up fine (not using the lagless version, for the record. Used the filesmelt link).

Line 200, or just do a search for it. It's "Base.rte\null", should be "Base.rte/null". Confirmed as the same as in Eolans post.

Go into the SAW.rte, find the GLUD folder, and click on the ini, scroll down till you find that line in the quote, and fix it. Don't forget to save! :)

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