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 Two Problems... 
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Joined: Sun Nov 15, 2009 12:01 pm
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Post Two Problems...
Whenever i start this now it will either say Abortion in file .\System\Reader.cpp, line 531, because failed to open included data file in Base.rte/Index.ini at line 9 or i says .\System\Reader.cpp, line 531, because :Referring to an instance ('Base.rte/Cave Cliffs /Terrain') to copy from that hasnt been defined! in Base.rte/Scenes/Cave Cliffs.ini at line 8 and they both end with the last frame has been dumped to 'abortscreen.bmp'

Tue Nov 17, 2009 11:46 pm
happy carebear mom
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Post Re: Two Problems...
Have you modified your game any, or are you running vista and have Cortex installed somewhere in Program Files?

Wed Nov 18, 2009 1:48 am

Joined: Sun Nov 15, 2009 12:01 pm
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Post Re: Two Problems...
I didn't start modify it until it did this but i am playing it on vista but i don't think it is installed in program files

Wed Nov 18, 2009 1:12 pm
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Post Re: Two Problems...
How did you install cortex command? Did you overwrite a older version?

Wed Nov 18, 2009 5:00 pm

Joined: Sun Nov 15, 2009 12:01 pm
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Post Re: Two Problems...
My bro. installed it when i was at his house last year so i dont know how he installed it.But i didnt have any other version of it on here

Wed Nov 18, 2009 10:06 pm

Joined: Sun Nov 15, 2009 12:01 pm
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Post Re: Two Problems...
Here is my settings....

ResolutionX = 640
ResolutionY = 480
TrueColorMode = 1
PaletteFile = ContentFile
FilePath = Base.rte/palette.bmp
Fullscreen = 0
NxWindowed = 2
PostProcessing = 1
PostPixelGlow = 1
PixelsPerMeter = 20
PlayIntro = 0
ConsoleScreenRatio = 0.4
DeltaTime = 0.0166667
RealToSimCap = 0.075
HSplitScreen = 0
VSplitScreen = 0
DefaultActivityType = GAScripted
DefaultActivityName = Zombie Cave
MaxUnheldItems = 25
EnableParticleSettling = 1
EnableMOSubtraction = 1
SoundVolume = 41
MusicVolume = 100
P1Scheme = InputScheme
// 0 = Classic Keyboard, 1 = Mouse + Keyboard, 2 = Joystick One, 3 = Joystick Two, , 4 = Joystick Three, 5 = Joystick Four
Device = 1
LeftUp = InputMapping
KeyMap = 23
LeftDown = InputMapping
KeyMap = 19
LeftLeft = InputMapping
KeyMap = 1
LeftRight = InputMapping
KeyMap = 4
RightUp = InputMapping
KeyMap = 23
RightDown = InputMapping
KeyMap = 19
RightLeft = InputMapping
KeyMap = 1
RightRight = InputMapping
KeyMap = 4
Fire = InputMapping
KeyMap = 0
MouseButtonMap = 0
Aim = InputMapping
KeyMap = 0
AimUp = InputMapping
KeyMap = 0
AimDown = InputMapping
KeyMap = 0
PieMenu = InputMapping
KeyMap = 0
MouseButtonMap = 1
Jump = InputMapping
KeyMap = 23
Crouch = InputMapping
KeyMap = 19
Next = InputMapping
KeyMap = 5
Prev = InputMapping
KeyMap = 17
Start = InputMapping
KeyMap = 0
Back = InputMapping
KeyMap = 0
P2Scheme = InputScheme
// 0 = Classic Keyboard, 1 = Mouse + Keyboard, 2 = Joystick One, 3 = Joystick Two, , 4 = Joystick Three, 5 = Joystick Four
Device = 0
LeftUp = InputMapping
KeyMap = 84
LeftDown = InputMapping
KeyMap = 85
LeftLeft = InputMapping
KeyMap = 82
LeftRight = InputMapping
KeyMap = 83
RightUp = InputMapping
KeyMap = 0
RightDown = InputMapping
KeyMap = 0
RightLeft = InputMapping
KeyMap = 0
RightRight = InputMapping
KeyMap = 0
Fire = InputMapping
KeyMap = 38
MouseButtonMap = 0
Aim = InputMapping
KeyMap = 39
AimUp = InputMapping
KeyMap = 84
AimDown = InputMapping
KeyMap = 85
PieMenu = InputMapping
KeyMap = 40
MouseButtonMap = 1
Jump = InputMapping
KeyMap = 91
Crouch = InputMapping
KeyMap = 90
Next = InputMapping
KeyMap = 42
Prev = InputMapping
KeyMap = 41
Start = InputMapping
KeyMap = 0
Back = InputMapping
KeyMap = 0
P3Scheme = InputScheme
// 0 = Classic Keyboard, 1 = Mouse + Keyboard, 2 = Joystick One, 3 = Joystick Two, , 4 = Joystick Three, 5 = Joystick Four
Device = 2
LeftUp = InputMapping
KeyMap = 23
LeftDown = InputMapping
KeyMap = 19
LeftLeft = InputMapping
KeyMap = 1
LeftRight = InputMapping
KeyMap = 4
RightUp = InputMapping
KeyMap = 23
RightDown = InputMapping
KeyMap = 19
RightLeft = InputMapping
KeyMap = 1
RightRight = InputMapping
KeyMap = 4
Fire = InputMapping
KeyMap = 8
MouseButtonMap = 0
Aim = InputMapping
KeyMap = 10
AimUp = InputMapping
KeyMap = 23
AimDown = InputMapping
KeyMap = 19
PieMenu = InputMapping
KeyMap = 11
MouseButtonMap = 1
Jump = InputMapping
KeyMap = 12
Crouch = InputMapping
KeyMap = 73
Next = InputMapping
KeyMap = 21
Prev = InputMapping
KeyMap = 25
Start = InputMapping
KeyMap = 0
Back = InputMapping
KeyMap = 0
P4Scheme = InputScheme
// 0 = Classic Keyboard, 1 = Mouse + Keyboard, 2 = Joystick One, 3 = Joystick Two, , 4 = Joystick Three, 5 = Joystick Four
Device = 3
LeftUp = InputMapping
KeyMap = 84
LeftDown = InputMapping
KeyMap = 85
LeftLeft = InputMapping
KeyMap = 82
LeftRight = InputMapping
KeyMap = 83
RightUp = InputMapping
KeyMap = 84
RightDown = InputMapping
KeyMap = 85
RightLeft = InputMapping
KeyMap = 82
RightRight = InputMapping
KeyMap = 83
Fire = InputMapping
KeyMap = 38
MouseButtonMap = 0
Aim = InputMapping
KeyMap = 39
AimUp = InputMapping
KeyMap = 84
AimDown = InputMapping
KeyMap = 85
PieMenu = InputMapping
KeyMap = 40
MouseButtonMap = 1
Jump = InputMapping
KeyMap = 90
Crouch = InputMapping
KeyMap = 73
Next = InputMapping
KeyMap = 42
Prev = InputMapping
KeyMap = 41
Start = InputMapping
KeyMap = 0
Back = InputMapping
KeyMap = 0
Is anything missing or out of place?

Wed Nov 18, 2009 10:10 pm

Joined: Sun Nov 15, 2009 12:01 pm
Posts: 8
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Post Re: Two Problems...
Nvm about the settings file but I cant find the scenes file so could someone upload it forme please?

Wed Nov 18, 2009 11:57 pm

Joined: Sun Nov 15, 2009 12:01 pm
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Post Re: Two Problems...
Okay, i found my scenes files, is this how they look?

Heres the short one

IncludeFile = Missions.rte/Scenes/Objects/Doainar/Index.ini
IncludeFile = Missions.rte/Scenes/Objects/DummyAssault/Index.ini

IncludeFile = Missions.rte/Terrains.ini

IncludeFile = Missions.rte/Scenes/Zombie Cave/Zombie Cave.ini
IncludeFile = Missions.rte/Scenes/Doainar/Doainar.ini
IncludeFile = Missions.rte/Scenes/Dummy Assault/Dummy Assault.ini
IncludeFile = Missions.rte/Scenes/Maginot/Maginot Mission.ini

IncludeFile = Missions.rte/Scenes/Zombie Cave.ini

Thu Nov 19, 2009 11:20 pm

Joined: Sun Nov 15, 2009 12:01 pm
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Post Re: Two Problems...
And heres the long one

// Background layers

AddBackgroundLayer = SceneLayer
PresetName = Near Layer
AddToGroup = Near Backdrops
DrawTransparent = 1
WrapX = 1
WrapY = 0
ScrollRatio = Vector
X = 0.25
Y = 1200
BitmapFile = ContentFile
Path = Base.rte/Scenes/Backdrops/Middle.bmp

AddBackgroundLayer = SceneLayer
PresetName = Near Layer B
AddToGroup = Near Backdrops
DrawTransparent = 1
WrapX = 1
WrapY = 0
ScrollRatio = Vector
X = 0.25
Y = 2400
BitmapFile = ContentFile
Path = Base.rte/Scenes/Backdrops/Middle.bmp

AddBackgroundLayer = SceneLayer
PresetName = Near Raukar
AddToGroup = Near Backdrops
DrawTransparent = 1
WrapX = 1
WrapY = 0
ScrollRatio = Vector
X = 0.25
Y = 1200
BitmapFile = ContentFile
Path = Base.rte/Scenes/Backdrops/MiddleRaukar.bmp

AddBackgroundLayer = SceneLayer
PresetName = Clouds Layer
AddToGroup = Mid Backdrops
DrawTransparent = 1
WrapX = 1
WrapY = 0
ScrollRatio = Vector
X = 0.02
Y = 2400
BitmapFile = ContentFile
Path = Base.rte/Scenes/Backdrops/Clouds.bmp

AddBackgroundLayer = SceneLayer
PresetName = Sky Layer
AddToGroup = Far Backdrops
DrawTransparent = 0
WrapX = 1
WrapY = 0
ScrollRatio = Vector
X = 0.01
Y = 1200
BitmapFile = ContentFile
Path = Base.rte/Scenes/Backdrops/Back.bmp

// Begin list of TerrainObject:s

AddTerrainObject = TerrainObject
PresetName = Brain Vault
GoldCost = 100
AddToGroup = Bunker Modules
// Foreground color bitmap
FGColorFile = ContentFile
Path = Base.rte/Scenes/Objects/BrainVaultFG.bmp
// Material bitmap
MaterialFile = ContentFile
Path = Base.rte/Scenes/Objects/BrainVaultMat.bmp
// Background color bitmap
BGColorFile = ContentFile
Path = Base.rte/Scenes/Objects/BrainVaultBG.bmp
BitmapOffset = Vector
X = -138
Y = -94
AddChildObject = SOPlacer
PlacedObject = Actor
CopyOf = Brain Case
Offset = Vector
X = 8
Y = -38
Rotation = Matrix
AngleDegrees = 180

AddTerrainObject = TerrainObject
PresetName = Rocket Silo
GoldCost = 250
AddToGroup = Bunker Modules
// Foreground color bitmap
FGColorFile = ContentFile
Path = Base.rte/Scenes/Objects/RocketSiloFG.bmp
// Material bitmap
MaterialFile = ContentFile
Path = Base.rte/Scenes/Objects/RocketSiloMat.bmp
// Background color bitmap
BGColorFile = ContentFile
Path = Base.rte/Scenes/Objects/RocketSiloBG.bmp
BitmapOffset = Vector
X = -240
Y = -203

AddTerrainObject = TerrainObject
PresetName = Wall
AddToGroup = Bunker Modules
GoldCost = 50
// Foreground color bitmap
FGColorFile = ContentFile
Path = Base.rte/Scenes/Objects/WallFG.bmp
// Material bitmap
MaterialFile = ContentFile
Path = Base.rte/Scenes/Objects/WallMat.bmp
// Background color bitmap
BGColorFile = ContentFile
Path = Base.rte/Scenes/Objects/WallBG.bmp
BitmapOffset = Vector
X = -52
Y = -107

AddTerrainObject = TerrainObject
PresetName = Gold Small 01
// Foreground color bitmap
FGColorFile = ContentFile
Path = Base.rte/Scenes/Objects/SmallGold1FG.bmp
// Material bitmap
MaterialFile = ContentFile
Path = Base.rte/Scenes/Objects/SmallGold1Mat.bmp
BitmapOffset = Vector
X = -84
Y = -80

// Bunker Modules!

IncludeFile = Base.rte/Scenes/Objects/BunkerModules/BunkerModules.ini
IncludeFile = Base.rte/Scenes/Objects/Tutorial Objects/TutorialBunker.ini
IncludeFile = Base.rte/Scenes/Objects/BunkerBits/BunkerBits.ini
IncludeFile = Base.rte/Scenes/Objects/Geology/Geology.ini
IncludeFile = Base.rte/Scenes/Objects/Scripted/Scripted Objects.ini
IncludeFile = Base.rte/Scenes/Objects/BunkerModules/Craft Docking Systems.ini

//Begin list of TerrainDebris

AddTerrainDebris = TerrainDebris
PresetName = Boulders
DebrisFile = ContentFile
// When loading, 000-001-002 etc is added automatically before .bmp
Path = Base.rte/Scenes/Objects/Boulders/Boulder.bmp
DebrisPieceCount = 103
DebrisMaterial = Material
CopyOf = Stone
TargetMaterial = Material
CopyOf = Earth
OnlyOnSurface = 0
MinDepth = 0
MaxDepth = 300
DensityPerMeter = 1.5

AddTerrainDebris = TerrainDebris
PresetName = Gold
DebrisFile = ContentFile
// When loading, 000-001-002 etc is added automatically before .bmp
Path = Base.rte/Scenes/Objects/Gold/Gold.bmp
DebrisPieceCount = 26
DebrisMaterial = Material
CopyOf = Gold
TargetMaterial = Material
CopyOf = Earth
OnlyOnSurface = 0
MinDepth = 25
MaxDepth = 350
DensityPerMeter = 2.0

AddTerrainDebris = TerrainDebris
PresetName = Gold Dense
DebrisFile = ContentFile
// When loading, 000-001-002 etc is added automatically before .bmp
Path = Base.rte/Scenes/Objects/Gold/Gold.bmp
DebrisPieceCount = 26
DebrisMaterial = Material
CopyOf = Gold
TargetMaterial = Material
CopyOf = Earth
OnlyOnSurface = 0
MinDepth = 25
MaxDepth = 350
DensityPerMeter = 4.0

AddTerrainDebris = TerrainDebris
PresetName = Plants
DebrisFile = ContentFile
// When loading, 000-001-002 etc is added automatically before .bmp
Path = Base.rte/Scenes/Objects/Plants/Plant.bmp
DebrisPieceCount = 23
DebrisMaterial = Material
CopyOf = Grass
TargetMaterial = Material
CopyOf = Grass
OnlyOnSurface = 1
MinDepth = 5
MaxDepth = 6
DensityPerMeter = 1.5

// Terrains

IncludeFile = Base.rte/Terrains.ini

// Scenes

IncludeFile = Base.rte/Scenes/Grasslands.ini
IncludeFile = Base.rte/Scenes/Editor.ini
IncludeFile = Base.rte/Scenes/Test.ini
//IncludeFile = Base.rte/Scenes/Physics Test.ini
IncludeFile = Base.rte/Scenes/Actor Test.ini
IncludeFile = Base.rte/Scenes/AI Test.ini
IncludeFile = Base.rte/Scenes/Horiz Land.ini
IncludeFile = Base.rte/Scenes/Cave Cliffs.ini
IncludeFile = Base.rte/Scenes/Ketanot Hills.ini
IncludeFile = Base.rte/Scenes/RockValley.ini
IncludeFile = Base.rte/Scenes/CanyonLand.ini
IncludeFile = Base.rte/Scenes/MountainLand.ini
IncludeFile = Base.rte/Scenes/PointyMountain.ini
IncludeFile = Base.rte/Scenes/FlatZone.ini
IncludeFile = Base.rte/Scenes/FlatZoneLarge.ini
IncludeFile = Base.rte/Scenes/TheGap.ini
IncludeFile = Base.rte/Scenes/Pillar.ini
IncludeFile = Base.rte/Scenes/AntHill.ini
IncludeFile = Base.rte/Scenes/Richlands.ini

IncludeFile = Base.rte/Scenes/Zone 21.ini
IncludeFile = Base.rte/Scenes/Bunker 38.ini
IncludeFile = Base.rte/Scenes/Area 14.ini
IncludeFile = Base.rte/Scenes/Mountain Compound 8.ini
IncludeFile = Base.rte/Scenes/Station #836-AOC.ini

IncludeFile = Base.rte/Scenes/Mining Colony 1.ini

IncludeFile = Base.rte/Scenes/Concrete Pit.ini

IncludeFile = Base.rte/Scenes/Mining Base 3.ini

IncludeFile = Base.rte/Scenes/Greg 5.ini

And the last one is obviously my custom level

Thu Nov 19, 2009 11:21 pm

Joined: Sun Nov 15, 2009 12:01 pm
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Post Re: Two Problems...
So somebody please tell me if theres anything wrong with either of em

Thu Nov 19, 2009 11:22 pm
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Joined: Sun Aug 09, 2009 9:26 am
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Post Re: Two Problems...
Whoa, a sextuple post. If I were you, I would just uninstall, then reinstall.

Fri Nov 20, 2009 12:49 am
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Post Re: Two Problems...
Be sure to delete the old folder.

Fri Nov 20, 2009 6:22 am
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Post Re: Two Problems...
Benpasko wrote:
Whoa, a sextuple post. If I were you, I would just uninstall, then reinstall.

Completely agreed.
I guess you'd better reinstall the game and modz.

Fri Nov 20, 2009 3:24 pm
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Post Re: Two Problems... Please. Don't post massive amounts of code here, it's unreadable.

Fri Nov 20, 2009 9:03 pm
Profile YIM

Joined: Thu Aug 02, 2012 12:42 pm
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Post Re: Two Problems...
I have the same problem, I have tried uninstall and reinstall but nothing, does somebody know what to do?

Wed Aug 29, 2012 6:20 pm
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