Hi all.
I just reinstalled MotioninJoy 'cause I remember the good ol' times with my two DualShock3 controllers and a friend of mine.
The problem is I want the screen to be split horizontally, rather than vertically, because I have a widescreen display. If I go to the Settings.Ini:
HSplitScreen = 0
VSplitScreen = 1
I just have to change HSplit to 1 and VSplit to 0, right? Well, I do it, but everytime I get into the game and start a two players skirmish, I get a vertically split screen.
The thing is, I returned to Settings.ini, and even after changing it, the game reloads its default configuration, with VSplitScreen = 1 and HSplitScreen = 0.
I tried to put Settings.ini in read only, but the game still changes it. Also, my game is installed in C:/Games, so no compatibility problems with UAC should happen.