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Game horribly crashing my computer.
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Author:  Durandir [ Wed Aug 17, 2011 5:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Game horribly crashing my computer.

I had this problem a year ago, and I still have it. Been wanting to play this again, so I try again.
The game crashes my PC horribly after 5-10 minutes of playing. This happens in windowed and fullscreen mode. I have no screenshots, as the computer locks up seconds after the crash occurs.

The problem is not because of temperatures. I have two screens, one got monitors for CPU and GPU. Both the temperature for my graphics card and my CPU is fine.

This is what happens: I am playing normally, when my screen suddenly go crazy. Sound cuts out, then starts again going really slow, nothing can be moved and everything has locked up. This is how my game screen looks like, taken with my cellphone:

I tried to take a shot of my second screen, but was to slow. So all I got was this shot of the messed up bluescreen:

I have no idea what causes this, and I haven't seen anyone else having the same problem.
Here is a link to my latest DXDIAG file.

I would really appreciate if anyone could help me with this...

Author:  Gotcha! [ Wed Aug 17, 2011 6:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Game horribly crashing my computer.

That's a nasty one indeed. :shock:
I bet my left kidney that it's completely hardware related. Do you experience these crashes with other games as well?

Author:  Durandir [ Wed Aug 17, 2011 6:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Game horribly crashing my computer.

That is what I am thinking as well. But it only happens when playing CC. No other games crash like this. And I play a lot of different games. Hell, I got 43 games installed on Steam alone, everything from AAA titles to Indie Games like CC. It could be that my CPU can't take the pressure put on it by the game, but I have plenty of other games that push it to its limit. Maybe I'll just have to wait till I upgrade my PC in a few months...

Author:  Gotcha! [ Wed Aug 17, 2011 9:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Game horribly crashing my computer.

I sure wish that blue screen was readable. Can't really help you out further. :???:
But if you're going to upgrade soon anyway then I guess it doesn't really matter. :)

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