Data Realms Fan Forums

I was gifted HIB3 with HIB2 on Desura?
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Author:  Bagman [ Wed Aug 10, 2011 10:34 pm ]
Post subject:  I was gifted HIB3 with HIB2 on Desura?

Do I have to wait until CC arrives on Desura before I can play it? Any help would be appreciated. :)

Author:  Scarfacecapwn [ Thu Aug 11, 2011 4:17 am ]
Post subject:  Re: I was gifted HIB3 with HIB2 on Desura?

Normally when you purchase HIB you receive a URL for a download page that allows you to generate steam and desura keys, play minecraft, and download your games DRM free. If the game is not on Desura I imagine the person doesn't use Desura so they generated a code and gave it to you. If you know them personally you could ask for the link to their download page, but until CC is supported by Desura you won't get it.

Author:  Bagman [ Thu Aug 11, 2011 7:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: I was gifted HIB3 with HIB2 on Desura?

Scarfacecapwn wrote:
Normally when you purchase HIB you receive a URL for a download page that allows you to generate steam and desura keys, play minecraft, and download your games DRM free. If the game is not on Desura I imagine the person doesn't use Desura so they generated a code and gave it to you. If you know them personally you could ask for the link to their download page, but until CC is supported by Desura you won't get it.

Ah, ok. I'll see if I can get it. Thanks for the help.

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