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 Include mods in scene editor? (B24) 
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Joined: Tue Sep 29, 2009 5:15 pm
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Post Include mods in scene editor? (B24)
Hello there!
Strangely, I get errors when following the previous FAQs on how to include mods in the scene editor. I gave up getting bigger mods like crobotech.rte to run, so I started with whitebots.rte. Now, my Base.rte looks like this:

ModuleName = Base Set
IncludeFile = Base.rte/Materials.ini
IncludeFile = Base.rte/Icons.ini
IncludeFile = Base.rte/Sounds.ini
IncludeFile = Base.rte/Effects.ini
IncludeFile = Base.rte/Ammo.ini
IncludeFile = Base.rte/Devices.ini
IncludeFile = Base.rte/Actors.ini
IncludeFile = Base.rte/Scenes.ini
// IncludeFile = Base.rte/Activities.ini
IncludeFile = Base.rte/WhiteBots.rte/index.ini

I deleted the DataModule in the Whitebot.index.ini. No errors while loading the edited base.rte/index.ini.

However, when it comes to loading the mod itself (after the base.rte, when it starts loading the mods), I get this error:

Abortion in file .\System\reader.cpp, line 534, because:
Wrong type in reader when passed to Serializable::Create() in
Whitebots.rte/index.ini at line 2

The index.ini of Whitebots.rte looks like this:

ModuleName = Whitebots Faction
IconFile = ContentFile
Path = Whitebots.rte/ModuleIcon.bmp
// IncludeFile = Whitebots.rte/Devices/Index.ini

It happened again for DirtModules.rte. The modified Base.rte loads fine until CC starts loading the mods. Crashes when it wants to load dirtmodules.rte.

As I recall, this didn't happen in B23. Any hints?


Tue Jan 04, 2011 2:32 pm
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Post Re: Include mods in scene editor? (B24)
Messing with Base.rte without knowing what you're doing is a pretty bad idea. Messing with Base.rte at all is a pretty bad idea.

I know Whitebots has pretty much nothing in it, but you'd do better to just leave what is in there alone. If you can recover the file from wherever it went then do that. Or just do a clean install, but make sure to back up any mods you downloaded. Also, backing up CC itself is a good idea for anything from restoring lost files to doing total conversion mods.

Thu Jan 06, 2011 11:05 am
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Post Re: Include mods in scene editor? (B24)
First, undo all changes.

Copy WhiteBots.rte to your CC folder, and open up it's index.ini.
Copy all IncludeFile = <something> statements to the end of base.rte's index.ini, and put two slashes on everything below datamodule.
Don't comment out DataModule.
At the end it should look like this:
//ModuleName = Whitebots Faction
//IconFile = ContentFile
//Path = Whitebots.rte/ModuleIcon.bmp
// IncludeFile = Whitebots.rte/Devices/Index.ini
<more stuff>

And base.rte's index.ini something like this(varies depending on how many more includes there are):
<base.rte stuff>
 IncludeFile = Whitebots.rte/Devices/Index.ini
 <more includes>

To undo this, simply remove the added lines to Base.rte's index.ini, and you should probably keep a copy of index.ini for whitebots incase they had some existing comments.

Thu Jan 06, 2011 4:30 pm

Joined: Tue Sep 29, 2009 5:15 pm
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Post Re: Include mods in scene editor? (B24)
Thanks for your answers. I'll try it. If it doesn't work this time, I think I'll just wait and hope they redo the scene editor anytime soon :)


Sat Jan 08, 2011 9:30 pm
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