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Runs great! I can play it with no problem, with m & k! but..
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Author:  isaac [ Fri Dec 24, 2010 4:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Runs great! I can play it with no problem, with m & k! but..

*Isaac drops from sky in green crate. Jumps out. "Hello!!"

Tech stuff:
OS: Ubuntu 10.10 desktop
Controllers: PSX adapter with 2 controllers
Past controller compatibility problems with all other games, which includes emulated Windows and native Linux games: None; this is the first.

Back story:
First of all, the game runs great on my 1Ghz 1GB netbook! A+ Cortex Command! Everyone I show it to wants to buy a copy. However, I can't show off how natural it is to play the game with two Sony brand Playstation 2 controllers with the analog joysticks activated. The first time I played the game at a friends house we used my adapter and the two controllers and there was no problems, so I think there could be a missing Ubuntu software repo item the game wants, but I can't tell what, exactly. Any help on this will be greatly appreciated, since blowing up 2d zombies with a heavy sniper rifle is the most satisfying thing in the world.

Author:  isaac [ Sun Jan 09, 2011 3:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Runs great! I can play it with no problem, with m & k! but..


Sony brand PS2 controllers with PSX dual port usb adapter works perfectly!

Change "Gamepad 1" and "Gamepad 2" to "Gamepad 2" and "Gamepad 3".

There was nothing actually wrong with Cortex Command.

Author:  p3lb0x [ Sun Jan 09, 2011 7:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Runs great! I can play it with no problem, with m & k! but..

That is pretty interesting. I wonder why that is. And whether it is cortex commands fault or ubuntus.

Author:  mail2345 [ Mon Jan 10, 2011 12:57 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Runs great! I can play it with no problem, with m & k! but..

It's the controller and ubuntu not cooperating.
I have a logitech controller on ubuntu+wine that works perfectly fine(except you have to move the stick when the game starts to align it).

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