Data Realms Fan Forums

Accidently Deleted Skirmish.ini
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Author:  Mr. Cloud [ Sat Nov 13, 2010 12:27 am ]
Post subject:  Accidently Deleted Skirmish.ini

Ok, so I was messing with the skirmish.ini in the Base.rte folder. I accidently deleted it without backing it up. Can someone please give me a fresh one? I don't really like playing with no enemies.

EDIT - Well, I finally found one. Can someone delete this thread or something?

EDIT 2 - Looks like the one I found isn't working. Anybody know how to "enable" custom activities that come with mods?

EDIT 3 - This is a bunch of edits, looks like I already have enabled it. Can someone just lock this thread?

Author:  Duh102 [ Sat Nov 13, 2010 2:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Accidently Deleted Skirmish.ini

Mr. Cloud wrote:
EDIT 3 - This is a bunch of edits, looks like I already have enabled it. Can someone just lock this thread?

No need, we'll just let it fall.

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